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Overview of Food Patterns Equivalents Database
  • What is
  • What does the
    FPED release include?
  • Applications
    of FPED
  • Fact sheets
  • Food Patterns Equivalents Database (FPED) converts the foods and beverages in the Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies to the 37 USDA Food Patterns components. The FPED was formerly known as the MyPyramid Equivalents Database.
  • The FPED serves as a unique research tool to evaluate food and beverage intakes of Americans with respect to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendations.
  • The Food Patterns are measured as cup equivalents of Fruit, Vegetables, and Dairy; ounce equivalents of Grains and Protein Foods; teaspoon equivalents of Added Sugars; gram equivalents of Solid Fats and Oils; and the number of Alcoholic Drinks.
  • In addition to the SAS datasets, the FPED release includes: (1) the Food Patterns Equivalents Ingredient Database (FPID) that includes the 37 USDA Food Patterns components per 100 grams of each unique ingredient used in the FNDDS; and (2) listings of gram weights for one cup equivalents of fruits, vegetables, dairy, and legumes used in the FPED release (see Methodology and User Guide, Appendices 8-11).
  • Methodology and User Guide;
  • The amount of 37 FP components present per 100 grams of each of the FNDDS foods and beverages (FPED) and their unique ingredients (FPID), in MS Access, MS Excel and SAS;
  • The amount of 37 FP components in each food and beverage reported by each respondent on day 1 and day 2, and the total per day from What We Eat in America, (WWEIA), NHANES, and the respondents’ demographic information, in SAS;
  • Four table sets containing estimates of mean intakes of the 37 FP components on day 1, by demographic subgroups; and
  • SAS codes file to create mean intake estimates.
  • FPED has many important applications in Federal nutrition policies and education programs.
  • Can be used in:
    • Estimating Americans' dietary intakes of the 37 USDA Food Patterns groups
    • Assessing adherence to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendations
    • Assessing dietary patterns with respect to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendations
    • Estimating cost of healthy foods and diets
  • Can be applied in nutrition monitoring and surveillance, epidemiological studies, risk analysis, and policy analysis