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Representative Zoe Lofgren

Representative Zoe Lofgren
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  1. I’m pleased the FTC chose to complete its investigation of Google’s search practices with an enforceable agreement to protect consumers without impermissibly expanding the jurisdictional reach of the FTC. The consent agreement between the FTC and Google on patents will help ensure consumers continue to benefit from new and innovative products and services that connect them to the Internet.
  3. The new 113th Congress began today with a rich diversity of backgrounds and historic number of women. Today I gathered on the steps of the Capitol with Nancy Pelosi and House Democratic women lawmakers serving in the new Congress -- 61 of us!
    Photo: The new 113th Congress began today with a rich diversity of backgrounds and historic number of women. Today I gathered on the steps of the Capitol with Nancy Pelosi and House Democratic women lawmakers serving in the new Congress -- 61 of us!
  4. I was just sworn in as a member of the 113th Congress. It's an honor to represent California’s new 19th District, and I look forward to serving you in the years ahead!
  5. As a parent, I am shocked by the tragedy in Newtown, CT today, and my heartfelt sympathy and thoughts are with the families of the victims.

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