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Questionnaire Development Resources

Questionnaires and questionnaire segments for use in a variety of epidemiological studies

DCEG makes a variety of resources available for use in developing study questionnaires. Several questionnaires have been reviewed by DCEG’s Technical Evaluation Committee (TEQ) and approved as representing reasonably clear questions that address the standard exposures of interest in the topic category. 

Available reviewed questionnaires, downloadable as Word documents

 • Smoking o Active [link to page] o Passive [link to page] • Alcohol use [link to page] • Hormonal and reproductive factors [link to page] • Socio-economic status (SES)[link to page] About the questionnaires [disclaimer link]: 

[The questionnaires share the following characteristics. They are: • Designed to address covariates (confounding) exposures, not main variables or the principal subject of a study, which might require more detailed questions • Developed primarily for use in cohort studies, rather than case-control studies, which often require more questions about lifetime and historic, rather than current, exposures • Predicated on English-speaking literate adult respondents, not special populations • Designed to be self-explanatory, assuming that the questionnaire will be self-administered, not by interview. 

In questionnaire development, there is often a choice between open-ended and categorical questions. We included open-ended questions only when responses were likely to be both easily remembered by the participant and straightforward to analyze.] 

Additional questions for further development We also offer groups of questions that have been used as part of DCEG or other epidemiologic studies, but have not necessarily been reviewed or analyzed by the TEQ committee. These questions cover a variety of topics. Please view them as starting points that can be adapted or improved upon as appropriate. Segments available for download as Word documents Note - information for this section is in the spreadsheet. 1. Categories for the table of contents should be listed as jump links at the beginning of this section. etc. 2. Page titles and descriptions are also in the spreadsheet 3. Each individual module page should follow the same format: a. Questionnaire Topic b. Study Title c. Keywords d. Principal Investigator e. Type of Questionnaire f. Last Year of Data Collection g. Short/Long Form h. Citation(s) i. Download [new Word file name] (in accompanying folder)

This is a content block Adriana created to show DCEG how content can be inserted into the bottom of the page after a list.

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