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Nanticoke River Watershed. Courtesy
of the Chesapeake Conservancy.

Cooperative Conservation: Helping People Help the Land

Partnerships expand the reach and depth of conservation on the land.

Individually the federal, state, and nonprofit groups that comprise our conservation partnerships have a diversity of expertise in discipline, location/area, and focus. As partners in conservation, these groups share their unique areas of expertise and conservation work to put more conservation on the land.


National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO) Partnership with NRCS


Types of Partners

Conservation districts
Local communities
State and federal agencies
NRCS Earth Team volunteers
Agricultural and environmental groups
Conservation Districts Employees


Professional societies
Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Councils
Conservation organizations
Sportsman Groups

Partnership Members

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is the federal agency that works hand-in-hand with the American people to conserve natural resources on private lands. Formerly the Soil Conservation Service, NRCS brings 60 years of scientific and technical expertise to the Partnership.

The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) is the national organization for 3,000 local conservation districts across the country. Conservation districts are local units of government responsible for the soil and water conservation work within their boundaries. The districts' role is to increase voluntary conservation practices among farmers, ranchers and other land users.

This presentation is available in Microsoft PowerPoint format.

PowerPoint PresentationNACD and NRCS: A Partnership for Conservation (17.2 MB)

The National Conservation Districts Employees Association (NCDEA)

The National Association of State Conservation Agencies (NASCA): coalition of state conservation agencies that provide guidance and funding for conservation districts. They operate numerous state environmental, sediment control, and soil erosion prevention programs.

Restore America's Estuaries
USDA-NRCS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Restore America Estuaries that will set the stage for activities designed to maintain and enhance coastal, estuarine and marine habitats and associated species.

Our Customers

  • Farmers and Ranchers
  • Other land decision makers
  • Other Federal agencies
  • Local and State governments
  • International governments
  • Resource Conservation and Development councils
  • Rural and urban communities
  • Water management groups
  • Other individuals, groups, and associations
  • And ultimately, every water user and food consumer in the Nation