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Cyber Crimes Center


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Cyber Crimes
Cyber Crimes
Cyber Crimes

The Cyber Crimes Center (C3) was established in 1997 for the purpose of combating crimes committed on, or facilitated by, the Internet. C3 brings together highly technical assets dedicated to conducting trans-border criminal investigations of Internet-related crimes within the Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) portfolio of immigration and customs authorities. C3 is responsible for identifying and targeting any cyber crime activity in which HSI has jurisdiction. C3's current mission is fourfold:

  • Keep pace with emerging computer technology and Internet processes
  • Proactively use these new technologies to combat criminal activity and address vulnerabilities created by the Internet
  • Disseminate to field offices and the worldwide law enforcement and intelligence organizations the most current trends, risks, procedures, lessons learned, and investigative leads
  • Support investigations into Internet criminal activities and vulnerabilities with state-of-the-art cyber investigative methods and forensic techniques

Cyber Crimes Unit (CCU)

CCU is responsible for developing and coordinating investigations of Immigration and Customs violations where the Internet is used to facilitate the criminal act. CCU investigative responsibilities include financial fraud, money laundering, identity and benefit fraud, the sale and distribution of narcotics and other controlled substances, illegal arms trafficking and the illegal export of strategic/controlled commodities. CCU also houses the National Initiative for Illicit Trade Enforcement (NIITE). NIITE utilizes HSI's unique border search and broad statutory authorities to investigate, disrupt and dismantle criminal and terrorist organizations that exploit international trade, travel and financial systems.

Child Exploitation Investigations Unit (CEIU)

CEIU is the entity responsible for the Child Exploitation Program within HSI. The CEIU is a fully operational component of the Cyber Crimes Center and has management and programmatic oversight of the HSI Child Exploitation Program.

Computer Forensics Unit (CFU)

  • CFU manages the Computer Forensics Laboratory and provides programmatic oversight, equipment, technical support, training, and guidance for the ICE Computer Forensics Program (CFP).
  • CFU provides field offices with a reach back capability for subject matter expertise regarding new technologies and emerging threats. Additionally, CFU provides the field with a surge capacity for data processing on critical and complex investigations.
  • CFU promotes continuing education, such as professional and industry-standard certification initiatives, in an effort to ensure that computer forensics agents and analysts in the field are trained and certified in the most current computer forensics techniques.
Last Reviewed/Updated: 09/30/2020