This website is interim launch of the FY20 Corporate Scorecards until the development of the site finalizes.

The World Bank Group Corporate Scorecards are:

  • The apex annual reporting tool on results and performance of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the World Bank.
  • A summary of key indicators of organizational performance.
  • A snapshot of aggregate results for selected indicators, reported cumulatively from FY19-FY23.

The results are organized into three tiers:

Tier 1: Development Context – Long-term development outcomes and the broader context in WBG-supported countries.
Tier 2: Highlights of WBG-supported results – Outcomes and outputs of operations supported by the WBG and the World Bank.
Tier 3: Performance – Operational and organizational systems to serve WBG and World Bank clients more effectively.


2020 Corporate Scorecard


This website will be updated with data from the latest scorecard shortly (with data from the PDF above).
Please check back for our update in the coming weeks.



Below you can access data from each tier of the 2019 Scorecard:

View All Tier 1 Indicators  >

View All Tier 2 Indicators  >

View All Tier 3 Indicators  >