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I was a builder and developer in south Texas for 20 years and know the situation we face at the border. After visiting it regularly for the last five years, I know the situation is getting worse. That’s why I wholeheartedly agree with President Trump – we need to build a wall to secure our southern border. I’ve introduced the WALL Act, the only legislation to fully pay for the construction of the wall by closing loopholes that allow illegal immigrants to receive federal benefits and increasing minimum fines on illegal border crossers.

Building the wall and securing the border are key – but we also need to address additional loopholes and flaws in our immigration system. I introduced the Asylum Abuse Reduction Act that, among other provisions, would require migrants to declare asylum at our embassies and consulates in Mexico or Canada before entering into the United States to end the practice of “catch and release.” President Trump has enacted much of my legislation through executive order.

As we discuss legislation to reform our immigration system, I have long held that three key principles should be part of any reform: immigration solutions cannot grant amnesty, shortcut the naturalization process or ignore our nation’s laws by rewarding illegal activity. I will hold true to these conservative principles when considering any legislation before the Senate.

