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Energy / Environment

As the former Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, I have been focused on cutting regulations that limit an “all of the above” energy policy and have worked to increase domestic energy production and achieve energy dominance. We’re well on our way—since the election of President Trump, we’ve become the global leader in oil and natural gas production and have dramatically increased our exports of crude oil, coal, and liquefied natural gas.

America’s energy supply should be stable, diverse and affordable. We must continue to work to increase exploration and production of natural gas and oil, continuing the development and use of coal, along with the development of renewable sources of energy and further develop nuclear energy.

Working with President Trump, we have won the latest battle on fossil fuels, but the war is still being waged. I will continue to defend an industry that employs millions of Americans, provides more than a trillion dollars to our economy and allows Oklahomans to heat our homes, get work and cook our meals.

In the past year, I’ve been on the front lines of leading the expansion of our domestic resources, including opening a portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to energy exploration. I have also focused on infrastructure permitting reform. Red tape and improperly used review processes have hindered our ability to best access and use our existing energy sources—forcing cities in the Northeast United States, like Boston, to import LNG from Russia, rather than domestically.

