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Adoption + Life

Our Declaration of Independence guarantees each American the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” and I stand up for the unborn across America in fighting for the sanctity of human life. I am pro-life, and I am proud of it. I support adoption as an alternative to abortion.

To support adoption, I serve on the Congressional Coalition on Adoption and have enacted many proposals designed to encourage domestic and international adoptions for American families.  

Our family knows the joys and blessings adoption can bring; my granddaughter, Marie, was adopted from Ethiopia when she was a baby. To support all families who want to grow their families through adoption, I have led initiatives to promote safe, efficient adoptions and authored legislation that encourages more families to take in children in need of foster care. 

To defend the right to life, I have been a leader on legislative efforts to end the practice of abortion, including the Life at Conception Act, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivor Protection Act and the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. I also continue to work to defund Planned Parenthood by voting to overturn Obama-era regulations that tried to prevent states from withholding money from abortion providers.  

