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Senator Jim Inhofe

Senator Jim Inhofe
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  1. On my Congressional Delegation trip to Asia, we stopped in Hawaii for briefings with the leadership of U.S. Pacific Command, and I also had the opportunity to lay a wreath at the USS Oklahoma Memorial at Pearl Harbor. It was an honor to pay... tribute to those who lost their lives in service to their country while on board this battleship and to meet more of our veterans and their family members.
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    Photo: On my Congressional Delegation trip to Asia, we stopped in Hawaii for briefings with the leadership of U.S. Pacific Command, and I also had the opportunity to lay a wreath at the USS Oklahoma Memorial at Pearl Harbor. It was an honor to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in service to their country while on board this battleship and to meet more of our veterans and their family members.
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Senator Jim InhofeSee All
    • To my representatives: I ask that you please vote "no" to this bill. Making it illegal for persons under 21 to have guns will not stop any type of mass killings. Also, I know for a fact that teens can be responsible with a gun if they have responsible parents who teach them correctly. Think about it, you have lots of teens with very deadly weapons in our military. I thank you for your time. Congressman Markwayne Mullin, Senator Jim Inhofe, Tom Coburn
      4 · 3 hours ago
    • Jimmie Martin
      Do we lack statesmen who can oppose the Obama law making under his own name bypassing our elected lawmakers. Does he own the souls of our electeds.
      1 · 4 hours ago
    • Jimmie Martin
       Benghazi & Afghanistan -- Obama's Treason
      4 hours ago
    • I have the greatest complaint about Oklahoma politics I have ever had, attorney general Scott Pruitt took the mortgage bail out money and made it welfare to attorneys. No he did not work to reimburse abused mortgage holders! It is going to people in voucher form to buy an ATTORNEY! REALLY!
      12 hours ago
    • Thank you sir for supporting our 2nd Amendment rights! And for writing me back!
      14 hours ago
  3. The recognition of Altus Air Force Base as a prime candidate to station the new KC-46A tanker is a major accomplishment for the base, the Altus community, and the Air Force as a whole:
  4. By settling taxes independently in the fiscal cliff deal, it can no longer be a bargaining chip for President Obama and congressional Democrats to use — as they have in the past — when negotiating spending cuts. Now as we enter the debt debate, my conservative colleagues and I will be fighting to secure meaningful spending reductions and program reforms that permanently improve the direction of our national budget. I hope you will take a moment to read more about my position on this topic in my Oklahoman op-ed today: More
  5. On an Asia Pacific Congressional Delegation tour of military capabilities and new strategic initiatives. Here are my thoughts on Obama's nominations of former Senator Chuck Hagel and John Brennan to head the DOD and CIA respectively.
  6. It was an honor today to receive an unanimous vote by my Republican colleagues on the Senate Armed Services Committee to be their next Ranking Member in the 113th Congress:
  7. "Lisa Jackson and I disagreed on many issues and regulations while she headed the EPA, however, I have always appreciated her receptivity to my concerns, her accessibility and her honesty. She was one of the few at the EPA that was honest ...with me. She stated that the endangerment finding would be based on the U.N. IPCC, a science which was totally discredited in Climategate. She also had the courage to answer honestly when I asked her if passing Cap-and-Trade in the United States would lower world wide CO2 emission, and of course she answered no. While so many other Obama Administration appointees don't tell the truth, she did, and I hope that is not the reason for her departure."

    Read the entire statement:
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  8. The final NDAA just passed the Senate and now heads to the President's desk. While I am disappointed in the delay in passage until so late in the year, this bill does contain many good things for our national security, military, and Oklahom...a. Please visit my press release to read more on all that was accomplished: More
  9. It is clear to me that there is still a cover-up going on with what truly happened to our four Americans in Benghazi, and why our intelligence prior to the attacks and then our immediate response was so poor. Despite repeated warning signs ...and the significance of the September 11th date, our military was not placed on heightened alert to be able to respond to potential incidents in Libya.

    Further, the Obama Administration clearly knew this was an act of terrorism within 24 hours of the attack, but continued to cover up this fact through the president’s re-election bid. The Administration's decision to blame a YouTube video, which until their mention of it had only a few thousand views, caused heightened disruption across multiple Muslim countries that may have otherwise been prevented. The Accountability Review Board confirmed what was already apparent, which is our location in Benghazi was severely under-resourced with security equipment and personnel, but they failed to address the public’s concern for how this has been handled in the months since the attack. It leads me to conclude that since this cover up will not be discussed, this report should be dismissed.
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