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News Releases
For current news releases, visit our Press Room.

Stay Safe in Severe Weather
It’s the winter season in Oregon, a state in which we may experience a wide range of weather patterns. Have your preparedness kit up to date and avoid any unnecessary travel. If you have to travel, check road conditions and have a preparedness kit in your car.
Advice for staying safe in the cold  
Preparedness information for severe weather
How to install cable tire chains - tips from Oregon DOT  

2 Weeks Ready
This new campaign, launched by the Oregon Office of Emergency Management in conjunction with the Great ShakeOut, aims to inspire citizens to be self-sufficient for two weeks in the aftermath of a natural disaster such as a Cascadia earthquake. Learn more about how to be two weeks ready.
2 Weeks Ready Facebook
Prepare Your Pantry
Prepare to Hydrate
Earthquakes & Tsunami Awareness
Earthquake safety is a priority for many places around the world, including Oregon – a state that has seen its share of minor tremors and that is at-risk for a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. 
Living on Shaky Ground
Tsunami Zone

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