What's New

The Kansas Emergency Management Association (KEMA) represents its members who make up the professional Emergency Management community of Kansas.

What's New

2016 Leadership Symposium

Exploring Complexity: Sense-Making at the Confluence of Humanity, Technology and the Environment

Future uncertainties, expectation management and operating in complexity are just a few of the strategic level challenges facing today’s leaders as they are “Working in a Complex World.” The seminar will be organized to explore the idea of complexity in the emergency management context especially as it occurs within the interactions and intersections of humanity, technology, and our planet. This growing area of interest presents opportunities for non-traditional approaches and unconventional thinking that can help leaders navigate the emerging trends and issues in an exponentially evolving environment. This interactive and thought-provoking program encourages participants to confront preconceived concepts of leadership and introduces practical approaches and methods to help achieve desired outcomes.

Participants in this graduate-level session will advance their critical thinking and strategic-leadership skills through facilitated discussions and small group problem-solving exercises. Learn first-hand from other leaders how to apply smart practices and emerging frameworks to strengthen emergency management partnerships, as well as address the evolving environment, dynamic policy issues and strategic decision-making.

Sunday, October 16, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Maximum Participation 40, Cost $65* (continental breakfast and lunch provided)

The Leadership Symposium program is funded and provided by the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security and IAEM.

*Registration fee supports IAEM conference administrative costs.

See more information at the IAEM conference website at iaemconference.info/2016/program/prepost-conference-trainings/

Our Mission, Values & Goals

Mission: Kansas Emergency Management Association is a network of leaders dedicated to providing excellence in emergency management for Kansas.

Values:  Among the membership and within the emergency management community in Kansas, KEMA is committed to:

  • Professionalism:  KEMA promotes excellence.
  • Teamwork:  KEMA fosters communication and cooperation.
  • Responsiveness:  KEMA solicits input and active participation.
  • Leadership:  KEMA advocates for progressive growth.

Goals: To fulfill its mission, KEMA will strive:

  • To advance the professional growth of members through the development, provision, and promotion of training and professional standards. 
  • To provide recognition for excellence in emergency management. 
  • To provide opportunities for exchanging ideas and sharing lessons learned from emergency management activities.  
  • KEMA will strive to promote the profession of EM and a culture of preparedness  
  • To serve as partner to the Kansas Division of Emergency Management to improve the overall preparedness of Kansas Counties and advise on local emergency management issues. 
  • To influence public policy on emergency management through an advocacy process at the federal, state and local levels. 
  • To coordinate the efforts and plans of this association with other organizations having common interests. 
  • To promote the Principles of Emergency Management (POEM) as the benchmark of emergency management practice.

KEMA Profile

KEMA offers networking opportunities among local emergency managers as well as opportunities to interact with state and national emergency management professionals and other affiliated individuals, governmental agencies and interested private groups.

Partner organizations include many federal agencies as well as private industry groups such as the Partnership for Emergency Planning.

Download the KEMA brochure here.