U.S. Additional Protocol

Welcome to the U.S. Additional Protocol (AP) Homepage. This page provides resources and educational tools to assist locations engaged in nuclear fuel cycle-related activities to comply with the Bureau of Industry and Security's (BIS) Additional Protocol Regulations (APR). U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensees should use the reporting handbooks and forms found on this page as instructed in 10 CFR Part 75. Additional information for NRC licensees can be found at the NRC website.

All entities subject to the reporting requirements of the APR must submit to BIS, by January 31, a Report of nuclear fuel cycle-related activity carried out during the previous year. 

  • If you started a new nuclear fuel-related activity during the previous calendar year and your location has not previously been reported to BIS, you must submit an Initial Report.
  • If you previously submitted an Initial Report to BIS for your location, you must submit an Annual Update Report or a No Change Report. 
    • Any new nuclear fuel-related activity started during the previous year at a location previously reported to BIS can be included in an Annual Update Report.
    • Any nuclear fuel-related activity that ceased during the previously year at a location previously reported to BIS must be included in the Annual Update Report.

For additional information on APR reporting requirements, contact BIS’s Treaty Compliance Division at 202-482-1001.

The APR applies to all persons and locations in the United States, except:

  1. Locations that are subject to the regulatory authority of the NRC or one of their Agreement States.
  • NRC and Agreement State licensees should use the reporting handbooks and forms located on this page when reporting information pursuant to the Additional Protocol.
  1. The following U.S. Government locations:

    • Department of Energy locations;
    • Department of Defense locations;
    • Central Intelligence Agency locations; and
    • Department of State locations.

The following are nuclear fuel cycle-related activities that are subject to BIS regulations:

  • Certain publicly and privately sponsored nuclear fuel cycle-related research and development (not involving nuclear material)
  • Uranium mining and ore beneficiation
  • Manufacturing, construction and assembly of specified equipment and non-nuclear material
  • Imports of specified equipment and non-nuclear material

U.S. Additional Protocol Handbooks and Forms

Report Handbook for Locations

Report Handbook for Sites

Please mail your completed AP reports form to:

U.S. Department of Commerce
Treaty Compliance Division
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Room 4515
Washington, D.C. 20230
Attn: AP Reports

© BIS 2020