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Medical Malpractice Payers

A medical malpractice payer is an organization that makes payments for the benefit of health care practitioners. If payments are in settlement of - or in satisfaction in whole or in part of - written claims or judgments against practitioners, payment information must be reported to the NPDB. Now, the NPDB will ask medical malpractice payers to attest to their reporting compliance through attestation.

Attestation is our national education and outreach effort to ensure that all eligible entities are meeting their reporting requirements. During attestation, Data Bank administrators attest that their organization has submitted all reportable actions and medical malpractice payments to the NPDB.

Every 2 years medical malpractice payers will update their profile and complete attestation during the registration renewal process. Attestation confirms that medical malpractice payers have submitted all required reports over the previous 2-year time frame.

Medical malpractice payers are notified by email when it is time to renew their registration, update their profile, and complete attestation. The NPDB will send a 60-day reminder email to the Data Bank administrator prior to the entity's registration and attestation due date. If your organization has not received a notification, then your renewal is not currently due. If your organization is asked to attest, detailed instructions for attestation will be available when you sign in to your account to renew.

To find out the specific registration renewal date, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the NPDB.
  2. The renewal date will display on the lower left hand side of the Entity Registration Confirmation page.

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Medical malpractice payments are limited to exchanges of money and must be the result of a written complaint or claim demanding monetary payment for damages. The written complaint or claim must be based on a practitioner's provision of or failure to provide health care services. A written complaint or claim can include, but is not limited to, the filing of a cause of action based on the law of tort in any state or federal court or other adjudicative body, such as a claims arbitration board. Eligible entities must report when a lump sum payment is made or when the first of multiple payments is made. All medical malpractice payments that meet these requirements must be reported.

As stated in Title IV and section 60.7(d) of the NPDB regulations, "A payment in settlement of a medical malpractice action or claim shall not be construed as creating a presumption that medical malpractice has occurred." Some medical malpractice claims (particularly those referred to as nuisance claims) may be settled for convenience and, as such, are not a reflection on the professional competence or professional conduct of a practitioner.

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