The Civic Centre reception in Poulton is open 10am - 3pm Monday to Friday. You can also call us on 01253 891000 or email:

You will be required to wear a face covering when visiting the Civic Centre reception and Lockwood Surgery, unless you are exempt.

Click here for information about Coronavirus and our services

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Open data

Front of the Civic Centre buildingAs a public body spending tax payers money we strive to be open and accountable in the way we do business. 

Our website hosts lots of information about the council and the services we provide.

Transparency Code 

To promote openness and transparency, the Government recommends that local authorities publish specific key datasets. These are listed in the Department for Communities and Local Government's (DCLG) Local Government Transparency Code 2015.

You can find information via the links and downloads on this page, or you may find it easier referring to the Publication Scheme section which lists information and datasets that you may be interested in.

Open Government Licence

This information is licensed under the Open Government Licence.

When you use this information under the Open Government Licence, you should include the following attribution: [Open data, Wyre Borough Council], licensed under the Open Government Licence.