Open Data Catalogue Beta v2


Council Expenses Data Added to Open Data Site

April 27, 2011

The City has just added Council Expenses to the Open Data web site. These are the expenses that each Council member has incurred while conducting business on behalf of the City. Summary information is available for years 2002 - 2009 and detailed expense transactions are available starting in year 2010. For more information, visit the Council expenses page on Open Data catalogue

Please feel free to provide us with feedback on this or any other aspect of the Open Data website on our feedback page. As always, your use of the data available from this site is governed by the City's Terms of Use and by downloading the data, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms of Use

City of Vancouver - Most Innovative Organization in B.C.

April 12, 2011

City of Vancouver has won the 2011 BC Business Innovator first place award for its open data program. More information

Business Licence data improved

March 10, 2011

The City has just improved the Business Licence data on the Open Data website to include latitude and longitude attributes. In addition, XML Document Type Definition (DTD) information is also made available and embedded inside the XML file.

Please feel free to provide us with feedback on this or any other aspect of the Open Data website on our feedback page. As always, your use of the data available from this site is governed by the City's Terms of Use and by downloading the data, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms of Use

Bike Lane Statistical Data added to open data site

March 8, 2011

Please check out some of the bike lane statistical data provided by the City’s Engineering Department. Download daily bike volume data from Burrard Bridge, Dunsmuir Viaduct and several locations on Hornby and Dunsmuir Streets. Also, check out detailed pedestrian, cycling and vehicle data that has been collected on the Burrard Bridge since June 2009. For more information on this data see Burrard Bridge Statistics and Hornby and Dunsmuir Data (including Burrard Bridge)

Please don’t forget to provide us with feedback on this or any other aspect of the Open Data website on our feedback page. As always, your use of the data available from this site is governed by the City's Terms of Use and by downloading the data, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms of Use


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