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Loan Look-Up Tool

To understand the options available for getting help with your mortgage – including the federal Home Affordable Refinance Program® (HARP) – it's important for you to know who owns your loan.

Using the secured look-up tool below, you can quickly find out if Freddie Mac owns your loan. Please enter your information carefully – a spelling error or other small mistake could cause an inaccurate result. Abbreviations, typos, or including the "Street Type" in the "Street Name" field can also lead to inaccurate results.

Home Affordable Refinance Program® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Treasury.

Self-Service Lookup

* Indicates required fields.

Do not include "Street", "Avenue", "Drive", etc. in this form field.

Format: #####

Enter last 4 digits only. Format: ####   Why do we ask for Social Security?

Support Information

If you are having difficulty paying your mortgage on time, your lender (also referred to as a mortgage servicer) should be your first call for assistance. They want to help you. Their telephone number and mailing address should be listed on your monthly statement.

Visit My Home by Freddie Mac® for information and guidance on options to stay in your home, options to leave your home, working with a housing counselor or your lender, avoiding fraud and more.

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