Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS)

The 2019 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) was administered this year to full-time Federal employees who have been with the agency for at least one year. The results showed that 59% of eligible NIGC employees participated in the survey. Overall, the FEVS showed there were 11 areas of improvement over the 2018 FEVS. This indicates the agency is continuing to trend towards employee satisfaction.

As reflected in Strategic Goal 2: Maintain a strong workforce both within the Agency as well as with NIGC’s tribal regulatory partners of the agency’s Strategic Plan for 2018-2022 the NIGC values its employees and is taking every opportunity to make the NIGC the best place to work in the federal government. This year’s results show that the agency is making great strides by having employees who are dedicated and highly skilled professionals that work tirelessly to support the regulatory framework of IGRA. To this fact, 97% of respondents responded that when needed they are willing to put in the extra effort to get a job done, 91.9% of respondents rate the overall quality of work done by their unit as very good, employees like the work they do and feel the kind of work they do is important! Additionally, 85.6% of respondents stated their work unit has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals.  

Some of the biggest gains since 2018 were that employees feel they are protected from health and safety hazards on the job (+6%), also that their physical conditions allow them to perform their jobs well (+5%), feel their supervisor supports their need to balance work and other life issues (+4%), can disclose a suspected violation of any law, rule or regulation without fear of reprisal (+4%) and believe the results of this survey will be used to make the agency a better place to work (+3%).  While we are excited the FEVS results identified 46 areas as strengths and 1 area as a challenge for the agency, the FEVS has identified opportunities to improve, such as, improve the communication from management on what is going on in the agency, ensure differences in performance are recognized in a meaningful way including that pay raises depend on how well employees perform their jobs, and ensure training needs are accurately assessed for employees

As a result, the FEVS committee made up of representatives from each division will take a deeper dive into the analysis of the results and provide recommendations to our leadership to continue strengthening our workforce. 

Survey Results
View the 2019 Report
View the 2018 Report
View the 2017 Report
View the 2016 Report
View the 2015 Report
View the 2014 Report
View the 2013 Report
View the 2012 Report
View the 2011 Report
View the 2010 Report
Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Fact Sheet