QUERI – Quality Enhancement Research Initiative

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Implementation Research Group Support

Another core aspect of CEIR is providing support for the Implementation Research Group (IRG).  The Implementation Research Group (IRG) is a national learning collaborative that showcases state-of-the-art implementation science topics to an audience of nearly 300 members from across the nation (VA and non-VA) and outside of the US. CEIR supports the IRG’s activities which include educational cyber seminars, community of practice calls, and five specialty working group calls related to different implementation approaches and strategies. The following are a current list of IRG programming opportunities facilitated by CEIR staff.

  • Monthly Implementation Cyber Seminar. This seminar occurs on the first Thursday of every month from noon to 1 PM EST. Call topics vary across the implementation spectrum and are based on recommendations from CEIR members.
  • Monthly IRG VANTS Conference Call. The purpose of this call is to provide a more participatory group discussion than the cyber seminar format. These calls are held on the third Tuesday of every month from noon to 1 PM EST. Call topics are distributed in advance and based on recommendations from group participants.

For more information or to join the Implementation Research Group, please contact Christine Kowalski via Christine.Kowalski@va.gov

In addition to these two main monthly calls, the IRG also facilitates 5 active working groups which allow for more detailed discussions of specific topics or approaches related to implementation science:

  1. Adaptation and Fidelity Implementation Group—Co-chaired by Borsika Rabin, MPH, PhD, PharmD and Russell Glasgow, PhD and facilitated by Christine P. Kowalski, MPH. This workgroup meets monthly to discuss topics related to adaptation, tailoring and fidelity with an application to clinical application. Discussions include how to define interventions and implementation strategies as well as how to describe and document adaptations. To join this group or with questions, please email: Christine.Kowalski@va.gov.
  1. Advancing Implementation Science Lab—Co-chaired by Julie Lowery, PhD and Laura Damschroder, MS, MPH and facilitated by Christine Kowalski, MPH. This group, aka “AIS Lab” (Advancing implementation Science), is focused on advancing the field of implementation science by discussing and comparing implementation frameworks, theories, and models. Calls have included Journal Club type sessions on e.g., the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR), i-PARIHS framework, Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF), lively debates (e.g., use of individual- v organization-level constructs), and projects in various phases of completion have been shared and to elicit input. To join this group or with questions, please email: Christine.Kowalski@va.gov
  1. Implementation Facilitation Learning Collaborative (IFLC). Led by Mona Ritchie, PhD. The IFLC, a resource developed and facilitated by the Behavioral Health QUERI, is comprised of a community of researchers and implementation practitioners interested in applying and studying implementation facilitation. The goal of the IFLC is to provide a platform for participants to share what they are learning with one another and work collaboratively to advance the science and practice of implementation facilitation. In addition to participating in group learning experiences, IFLC members actively contribute to the development of tools and products to support the use of implementation facilitation strategies through their participation on IFLC workgroups and/or collaboration with the Behavioral Health QUERI. The IFLC meets monthly and is comprised of implementation scientists, other VA and non-VA investigators, and operational leaders. To join this group or for more information, please email: Mona.Ritchie@va.gov.
  1. Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) Workgroup. Chair: Edward Miech, EdD. This working group’s objectives are to support the thoughtful use of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and set-theoretic approaches in VA research. There is no single formula or equation that leads to implementation success - there are multiple pathways involving different components or combinations of components to get there. This group does have a website on VA Pulse: https://www.vapulse.net/groups/va-qca-sig. To join the group or with questions, please email: Edward.Miech@va.gov.
  1. Audit with Feedback Workgroup—lead: Anne Sales, PhD, RN / Facilitator: Christine P. Kowalski, MPH. This group meets virtually on a monthly basis and the general content revolves around audit and feedback. Monthly calls emphasize a review of relevant theory and recent research in this area. See VA Pulse IRG social media site for articles this group has discussed if you have a VA affiliation and email address.  To join this group or with questions, please email: Christine.Kowalski@va.gov.

IRG notes, slides, and articles are available on the Implementation Research Group VA Pulse site for members with VA affiliations. All call notes and related materials will be distributed electronically via email.