Special Agent / Criminal Investigator (1811) - OEE employs Special Agents to carry out is National Security mission assigned to eight domestic Special Agent in Charge field offices listed below with opportunities for forward area assignments to additional domestic locations (22 locations overall).  Opportunities also exist to serve as Export Control Officers (ECOs) in the Foreign Commercial Service serving in multiple foreign locations. Detail opportunities exist to serve as liaison/interdiction officers in other law enforcement organizations, Intelligence Community partners and various joint task forces.

Export Compliance Specialist (1801) - OEE employs Export Compliance Specialists which support the OEE mission by providing administrative and investigative support.

*When OEE is accepting applications, positions are posted on the USAJOBS website where you can apply directly. Once the application is reviewed, you will be notified of any further processing. Please make sure that your application is completed thoroughly and includes all work experience, internships, supervisory positions, computer experience, training, special skills, foreign language proficiency, and government general schedule grade.


All new OEE Special Agents receive their entry-level training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Georgia. The training requires that each trainee meet physical requirements that are located on the FLETC Web site at www.fletc.gov. The candidates attend a mandatory, 12-week Criminal Investigator Training Program with other federal law enforcement trainees. This course offers new agents training in firearms and other weapons, defensive tactics, forensics, crime scene processing, interrogations and interviews, court testimony, and federal law. Upon graduation, new OEE Special Agents spend one year performing on-the-job training (OJT) at their assigned field office. Upon successful completion of OJT, some agents receive specialized training in seized computer evidence recovery and upon successful completion of this advanced training serve as Seized Computer Evidence Recovery Specialists (SCERS).

Special Agent Assignments

OEE conducts its enforcement operation from its headquarters in Washington, D.C., eight field offices located in Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Jose, and Washington, D.C., and resident offices in Atlanta, Houston, and Portland. Additionally, Special Agents may be forward-assigned to additional domestic locations which are located in Charlotte, Cincinnati, Denver, Huntsville, Minneapolis, New Haven, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Diego, and Savannah. OEE also has Export Control Officers (ECOs) in seven overseas locations. ECOs are OEE personnel on detail to the Foreign Commercial Service and report directly to the Embassies to which they are posted, with direction and oversight by Export Enforcement. ECOs are posted in: Beijing, Dubai, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Istanbul, New Delhi, and Singapore.

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