Sentinel Program:

Many end-use checks are conducted through BIS' Sentinel Program. Trained OEE Special Agents are deployed from the United States to countries to visit the end-users of sensitive controlled commodities and determine whether these items are being used in accordance with license conditions. Sentinel teams assess the suitability of foreign end-users to receive U.S.-origin licensed goods and technology, assess prospective end-users on pending license applications for diversion risk, and conduct educational outreach to foreign trade groups. In this way, Sentinel trips help to create the confidence needed to foster trade while strengthening U.S. national security.

Outreach Program:

The purpose of the Outreach program is to prevent illegal exports by educating industry about export controls and eliciting industry’s cooperation in protecting our national security and foreign policy objectives. An Outreach contact is a one-on-one visit with the representative of a company. It is normally done in person, but under certain instances, it can be conducted over the phone. The types of companies contacted include, but are not limited to, manufacturers, exporters, and freight forwarders.

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