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Veterans Day

OPM Director's 2019 Message for Veterans Day

On the eleventh day of the eleventh month at the eleventh hour of 1918, the guns of the Great War at long last fell silent. In the century following that solemn moment, our nation has recognized every November the many Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen who have gallantly answered the call of duty to join our armed forces in order to secure the blessings of liberty for our posterity and ourselves. Whether our servicemembers are stationed on American soil or in far-flung locations around the world, our military stands ever ready to make any sacrifice necessary in order to preserve our freedoms and defend our cherished values.

This Veterans Day, we proudly recognize the many OPM employees and their family members who have served in uniform. Our veterans represent the very best of our nation, and their unique experience brings invaluable skills to the workplace. Veterans understand what it means to serve a cause greater than themselves and they contribute tremendous value to their communities and places of work. I am also immensely proud of OPM’s work to hire and train veterans to become essential members of the federal workforce. By helping veterans to transition to civilian careers, we fulfill our obligation to give back to those distinguished men and women who have given so much for us.

Thank you to all our veterans who continue to serve our nation as part of the federal workforce. We remember your service today and every day.

OPM Veterans Day Poster