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Cultural Resources

Cultural Resources are tangible remains of past human activity. These may include buildings; structures; prehistoric sites; historic or prehistoric objects or collection; rock inscription; earthworks, canals, or landscapes. These nonrenewable resources may yield unique information about past societies and environments, and provide answers for modern day social and conservation problems. Although many have been discovered and protected, there are numerous forgotten, undiscovered, or unprotected cultural resources in rural America.

  • Our Cultural Resources Fact Sheet (PDF, 1 KB) describes the important role cultural resources plays in support of the Natural Resources Conservation Service mission.
  • Indigenous Stewardship Methods and NRCS Conservation Practices Guidebook (PDF; 1 MB)
  • 25 Simple Things You Can Do to Promote the Public Benefits of Archaeology (PDF; 18 KB)
  • Compilation of State and Tribal Laws and Regulations
    State laws often require treatment of burial sites and associated resources, and most carry penalties for failure to comply.

    In response to increasing concerns over the looting of cultural resources, including sites containing human remains and funerary objects, many states and tribes have enacted legislation and codes to project burial sites. These laws and codes often require special treatment of burial sites and objects and may have penalties for failure to comply. This project (the map) is a compilation of exiting state and tribal cultural resources laws and codes and we encourage you to review and comment, and suggest additional information and web links.

    Click on any state in the map to view available information on its State and Tribal Laws and Regulations. The information contained on this web site is to provide you with basic information and is not a substitute for legal counsel.

The following National Statement of Work Templates require Microsoft Word: