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Coordinating Hub to Promote Research Optimizing Veteran-Centric Electronic Health Record (EHR) Networks (PROVEN) logo

Aim and functions

The PROVEN Hub is designed to provide a single point of contact for the VA research community to design, conduct, and disseminate cutting-edge, operationally prioritized research and evaluation in support of a safe, effective, and efficient implementation of the Cerner Millennium EHR throughout VA. The five main functions of the PROVEN are as follows.

  1. Provide methodological training, expertise, and support to investigators undertaking research and evaluation related to Cerner EHR implementation
  2. Serve as liaison between researchers and VA operational partners, and between researchers and the facilities and stakeholders where research will occur
  3. Oversee and support the conduct of five rapid pilot projects within the first 24 months of funding
  4. Communicate timely research findings to decision-makers at all levels of VA, and the informatics research community more broadly
  5. Curate and prioritize the EHR Modernization (EHRM) research agenda, and assist HSR&D in meeting those research objectives.

Principal Investigators: Steven Simon, MD, MPH, and Elizabeth Yano, PhD, MSPH, core investigator and Director, respectively, at the VA HSR&D Center for the Study of Healthcare Innovation, Implementation, and Policy (CSHIIP) (Los Angeles), Michael Weiner, MD, MPH, Director of HSR&D’s Center for Health Information and Communication (Indianapolis); and Jessica Davila, PhD, MS, Director, Data & Methods Core at HSR&D’s Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety (IQuESt) (Houston).

The PROVEN Coordinating Hub is organized into the following four Cores.

  • Administrative Core (Simon) – oversee strategic planning, management of PROVEN’s partnership network, research coordination and brokering, and conduct of rapid pilot projects
  • Health Informatics Core (Weiner) – organize health informatics expertise andresources to accelerate EHRM-related research through support of a national research network
  • Data & Methods Core (Davila) – provide methodological expertise andsupport in design and conduct of EHRM research, facilitating collaborations among researchers needing Cerner data
  • Implementation and Training Core (Yano) – provide consultation andtraining on implementation strategies for EHRM-related research, evidence reviews of strategies in different organizational contexts, and technical support in deploying and evaluating alternate strategies throughout the EHRM implementation


The PROVEN Hub’s primary partnership is with the Office of Electronic Health Record Modernization (OEHRM) and an array of VHA national program offices and VISN leaders linked through a Stakeholder Council and informed by internal and external experts.  In addition to OEHRM, VHA national program office partners include leaders of the Office of Connected Care, Office of Community Care, Office of Veterans Access to Care, Office of Health Equity, and Office of the Deputy Under Secretary for Discovery, Education and Affiliate Networks.

Principal Investigators

Steven Simon, MD, MPH

Steven Simon, MD, MPH: Administrative Core Lead
Chief of Staff, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, West LA; Core Investigator, VA HSR&D Center for the Study of Healthcare Innovation, Implementation and Policy (CSHIIP); Associate Dean for Veterans Affairs, David Geffen UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA

Michael Weiner, MD, MPH

Michael Weiner, MD, MPH: Health Informatics Core Lead
Principal Investigator of the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Services Research & Development Center for Health Information and Communication; Chief of Health Services Research & Development, Richard L. Roudebush Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Indianapolis, Indiana; Associate Director of Regenstrief Institute's William M. Tierney Center for Health Services Research; Professor of Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN

Jessica Davila, PhD, MS

Jessica Davila, PhD, MS: Data & Methods Core Lead
Research Scientist and Program Chief of the Methodology and Analytics Core, Houston Center of Innovations, Quality, Effectiveness and Safety (IQuESt), Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, TX; Associate Professor of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX

Elizabeth Yano, PhD, MSPH

Elizabeth Yano, PhD, MSPH: Implementation & Training Core Lead
Director and Senior Research Career Scientist, VA HSR&D Center for the Study of Healthcare Innovation, Implementation and Policy (CSHIIP); Deputy Associate Chief of Staff for Health Services Research, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System; Director, Women's Health Research Network; Adjunct Professor of Health Policy & Management, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, Los Angeles, CA

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