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National Incident Management System (NIMS) - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How do I access the ICS 100 and 200 classroom files?


    For ICS 100, go to and click the link titled "Download Classroom Materials" in the right hand navigation bar. For ICS 200, go to and click the link titled "Downloads for Classroom" in the right hand navigation bar.
  2. Are classroom materials available for ICS 100 and 200 other than the "b" versions?


  3. How do students access testing for ICS 100 or ICS 200?


    Students can take the exam online via the Independent Study Program ( When they successfully complete the exam, the students will receive a FEMA issued certificate via email.
  4. Does FEMA maintain a NIMS or ICS instructor database?


    FEMA does NOT maintain an ICS instructor database, nor does it certify instructors. Contact your Emergency Management Agency for additional information on what is required in your area. Contact information for State or Territorial Emergency Management Agencies can be found at

    FEMA does maintain an all-hazards position specific instructor database. FEMA Regional Training Managers, State Training Officers, Geographical Area Training Representatives, and Statewide Interoperability Coordinators, have been provided with access to the database and in order to confirm the qualification of instructors for position specific courses as needed. For questions regarding the all-hazards position specific instructor database, contact

  5. Who can instruct the ICS 100, 200 and the ICS 402 course?


    As outlined in the NIMS Training Program, Instructors of ICS 100, 200, and 402 must meet the General ICS Instructor Guidelines described below:

    Instructor Levels
    Lead instructors must have sufficient experience in presenting all units of the course to be capable of last-minute substitution for unit instructors.
    Unit instructors must be experienced in the lesson content they are presenting.
    Adjunct instructors may provide limited instruction in specialized knowledge and skills at the discretion of the lead instructor. Adjunct instructors must be experienced, proficient, and knowledgeable of current issues in their field of expertise.

    Training Requirements for Lead and Unit Instructors
    Instructors should have formal instructor training (NWCG Facilitative Instructor, M-410, EMI Master Trainer Program, Office for Domestic Preparedness Instructor Course or equivalent).

    All ICS training is coordinated by designated Training Officers within the various States, Tribes, Territories, and individual Federal agencies. Contact your Emergency Management Agency for additional information on how ICS training is coordinated in your area. Contact information for State or Territorial Emergency Management Agencies can be found at
  6. Who can instruct the ICS 300 and 400 courses?


    The below guidelines are provided in the NIMS Training Program:
    ICS-300: Instructor Guidelines (in addition to the General ICS Instructor Guidelines)

    Successful completion of accredited ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-300, ICS-400, IS-700.A, and IS-800.B.

    Service in a mid-level incident management position within five years in real-world incidents, planned events, or accredited exercises.

    Recognized qualifications in techniques of instruction and adult education methodologies.

    ICS 400: Instructor Guidelines (in addition to the General ICS Instructor Guidelines)

    Successful completion of accredited ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-300, ICS-400, IS-700.A, and IS-800.B.

    Service in a mid-level emergency management and incident response position within five years in real-world incidents, planned events, or accredited exercises.

    Recognized qualifications in techniques of instruction and adult education methodologies.
    All ICS training is coordinated by designated Training Officers within the various States, Tribes, Territories, and individual Federal agencies. Contact your Emergency Management Agency for additional information on how ICS training is coordinated in your area. Contact information for State or Territorial Emergency Management Agencies can be found at
  7. How do I access the course files for ICS 300, 400, and 402?


    Access is available through the "G" course website. This is a password protected site. The site address and password are provided by EMI to the designated State Training Officers and to Federal Agency training points of contact. They in turn will provide access to those personnel approved to provide instruction.

    (Note: no password is required to access the ICS 402 course materials; however potential instructors will need to contact their State Training Officer or Federal Agency training POC to obtain the website address).

  8. How can I obtain FEMA Course Certificates for classes I've instructed?


    Certificates are issued by the Agency which provided the training. For ICS 100 and 200, there is an option to have students log into EMI's Independent Study website and complete the final exam. If successful, the student will receive a course certificate from EMI by email.

  9. Can the ICS courses be instructed using computers or tablets?


    Using printed manuals is optional. Many agencies provide students with CD or DVD disks in lieu of printed manuals. For ICS 300 and 400, you may want to consider providing printed copies of some exercises materials and ICS forms. Please note that EMI does not provide printed materials for courses provided by other agencies.

  10. Does completion of the ICS 449 Train the Trainer course certify me as an ICS Instructor?


    FEMA does not certify personnel to instruct ICS courses. Instructor certifications are the responsibility of your home agency. Many States/Territories/Tribe/Federal Agencies require that their ICS instructors have completed the ICS 449 course in order to be certified, however, this is not an explicit requirement included in the NIMS Training Program.

    The home agency should ensure that instructors meet, or exceed, the instructor qualifications contained in the NIMS Training program. States may have additional instructor requirements and qualifications that must be met in order to teach the ICS courses. Contact your Emergency Management Agency for additional information. Contact information for State or Territorial Emergency Management Agencies can be found at

  11. Can I teach the ICS 300 course in 2 days?


    The National Integration Center has published guidelines which require a minimum of 18 classroom hours when delivering the ICS 300 course. This time requirement does not include lunches and scheduled breaks. The requirement for ICS 400 is a minimum of 14 classroom hours.

  12. Is the ICS 300 course available online?


    No. Both ICS 300 and 400 are delivered in a classroom only. These courses are not suitable for online training since they both require a high level of interaction among participants and completion of complex classroom activities in order to meet the training objectives.

  13. Will my State certificate of completion for ICS 300 or ICS 400 be accepted by FEMA?


    EMI recognizes ICS 300/400 course completion certificates issued by States/Territories/Tribes/Federal Agencies.

  14. Will my State certificate of completion for ICS 300 or ICS 400 be accepted by other States?


    Acceptance of training certificates between States or other entities is at the receiving State and/or jurisdiction's discretion. To avoid problems in the area of training and certification in the time of need, we encourage States and entities to incorporate training and certification requirements for responding agencies into their mutual aid agreements.

  15. Can foreign personnel attend ICS training?


    Information on this issue can be found at the link below:
  16. Where can I find more information on NIMS/ICS training?


    Guidance on ICS and other NIMS training can be found in the "NIMS Training Program" document located at
  17. Are all organizations required to use the FEMA version of the ICS forms?


    No. In some cases it is beneficial for an agency to make alterations to one or more of the ICS forms. However, form titles and their functions should not be changed. For instance, the ICS form 205 should always be used as the Communications Plan form. FEMA does provide many of the ICS forms at this link:
  18. Can individual States deliver the ICS Train the Trainer (449) course?


    EMI currently does not have funding to support field deliveries of this course. However, if States are able to secure qualified instructors and can fund the costs it can be delivered in the State. The State Training Officer will need to coordinate with the ICS Curriculum Course Manager to have the instructors approved and to get the course onto the EMI schedule. Students who complete these deliveries of ICS 449 will receive FEMA completion certificates. For detailed instructions on how to deliver an ICS 449 course in your State/Territory/Tribe/Federal Agency contact

  19. What is the process for federal employees to instruct All Hazard Position Specific courses?


    To teach the All-Hazards Position Specific command, general staff, and unit leader course, an instructor must be listed in the all-hazards position specific instructor database maintained by the Emergency Management Institute. An instructor must meet the Administrative Guidelines for the AH Position Specific Training Program and complete a train-the-trainer class for each course and/or section that he/she desires to teach. For questions regarding the all-hazards position specific instructor database, contact

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