
Welcome to the Federal Judicial Center Foundation, a private nonprofit corporation with the sole mission of receiving gifts to support the work of the Federal Judicial Center (FJC), the federal courts' research and education agency. Among the FJC's primary educational emphases are programs and publications to familiarize federal judges with emerging areas of federal litigation, both as to substance and procedure, so they may manage such litigation fairly and effectively. Programs in recent years have covered topics on intellectual property, environmental law, scientific evidence, electronic discovery, and employment law. Likewise, manuals produced by the FJC for federal judges, such as the Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence (3rd ed.). 

Funds donated to the Foundation have supported many of these programs and projects in whole or in part. 

This website provides information about the Foundation, its Board members, its governing statute and policies, guidelines for those who may wish to make a donation, and Foundation reports. 

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