Job Corps
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Job Corps student working on laptop in common area

Request Information

If you or someone you know is interested in joining Job Corps or would like more information, please complete the form below (some fields are optional) and click the 'Submit' button. Voluntary information shared with Job Corps will not be shared with any other party and will be used for recruiting purposes only. For more information, please see our Privacy and Security Statement.

If you have special language needs (languages other than English or Spanish) you should contact Job Corps National Contact Center at 1-800-733-JOBS.

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Thank you for your interest in Job Corps.

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Your request has been received.

If you requested a copy of the Job Corps brochure you should receive a brochure in the U.S. mail within 10 business days.

If you requested to be contacted by a Job Corps representative, you should receive a phone call within three business days.

Return to the Home page.

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First name is required. Please use letters and spaces only.
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Birthdate is required. Must be after 01/01/1970 and before .
A verified street address is required. Please use only numbers, letters, and spaces.
City is required. Please use only letters and spaces.
State is required
A 5 digit zip code is required

Please click the button below to verify your address before submitting the form.

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