Two men shake hands

Standards Builder

Registering your apprenticeship program with the U.S. Department of Labor is now easier than ever. With our Standards Builder, you can quickly customize and register your program in a single centralized place.  

We will ask a few questions about your organization, and ask you to identify the occupation(s) you wish to design your program around. Using this information, we generate a draft version of your Standards that will be reviewed and eventually approved by the U.S. Department of Labor. Your Standards are the agreement (e.g., guidelines and requirements) that comprise foundational elements of your program.

Are You Ready to Go? Let’s Get Started!

Here are a few simple  tips to help you get started building your Standards:

  1. The Standards Builder uses – an authentication service for secure and efficient interaction with the U.S. government. If you already have a account, you may sign-in with your existing account. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one by clicking the “Create an account” button on the login screen. For additional information on creating an account with, view their instructions page on how to create an account.  
  2.  After you login, click “Start Now” to start registering your apprenticeship program.. You will be guided through this process in an easy-to-use, step-by-step process. 
  3. Complete your application to generate your unique standards template. 
  4. Upon submission, you will receive specialized assistance from a skilled Apprenticeship Consultant who will contact you to finalize your Registered Apprenticeship Program Standards. Then you can begin to implement your very own Registered Apprenticeship Program. 

    Register Your Program

    Create or use your existing account today to become one step closer to registering your apprenticeship program. 

    Start Now