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Opioids are a broad group of pain-relieving drugs that can be both naturally derived (morphine, heroin, and others) or synthesized in a laboratory (fentanyl and others). While generally safe when taken for a short time and as prescribed by a doctor, opioids can be misused and may lead to addiction, overdose incidents, and death. HSR&D investigators study several aspects of opioid use, such as how best to manage opioid prescribing (including policy impacts and safety), and how to help Veterans' manage their chronic pain, both with and without medication.

Search results were generated based on the search term "Opioid". Results are updated weekly, as new data are available.

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(5 of more than 786 OPIOID focused publications)

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Publication Briefs

(5 of more than 62 OPIOID focused publication briefs)

  • JGIM Supplement Features VA Research on Improving Opioid Safety among Veterans with Chronic Pain and Addiction
    In the fall of 2019, HSR&D convened a state-of-the-art (SOTA) conference – “Effective Management of Pain and Addiction: Strategies to Improve Opioid Safety” – to develop research priorities for advancing the science and clinical practice of opioid safety, including both the use of opioid analgesics and managing opioid use disorder (OUD). A group of researchers and VA clinical stakeholders defined ...
    Date: December 1, 2020
  • Cannabinoid Use Increased while Opioid Use Decreased among VA Patients Undergoing Total Joint Replacement
    This single-institution (VA Palo Alto) study sought to determine whether preoperative cannabinoid use and opioid use increased or decreased over a 6-year interval among total hip and knee arthroplasty (THA and TKA) patients – and whether complications were associated with cannabinoid use. Findings showed that use of cannabinoids in Veterans undergoing total joint arthroplasty was far greater than ...
    Date: October 1, 2020
  • Treatment Disparities for Vulnerable VA Patient Populations with Opioid Use Disorder
    This study examined the association between vulnerable populations, facility characteristics, and receipt of medications for opioid use disorder (OUD). Findings showed that since the last national study of VA patients (using FY2012 data), the prevalence of receipt of medications for OUD increased overall from 33% to 41%; however, vulnerable patient populations – including women, older, Black, rura...
    Date: August 18, 2020
  • Opioid Agonist Therapy Infrequent for Veterans with Opioid Use Disorder Admitted to a VA Hospital
    This retrospective cohort study sought to describe and examine patient- and hospital-level characteristics associated with the receipt of opioid agonist therapy (OAT) during VA hospitalization for various reasons. Findings showed that the delivery of OAT was infrequent, varied across the VA healthcare system, and was associated with specific patient and hospital characteristics. Only 15% of the en...
    Date: April 14, 2020
  • Among Veterans Who Experience Homelessness, Non-fatal Overdose is a Relatively Common Problem
    Overdose is one of the most common causes of death for younger homeless individuals, but the prevalence of non-fatal overdose among the homeless is unknown. Investigators in this study administered a survey to Veterans who had experienced homelessness (current or past) and received primary care at one of 26 VA medical centers across the nation asking if they had experienced an overdose within the ...
    Date: March 17, 2020

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( 5 of more than 47 OPIOID focused projects )

Project No.  Title  PI  Funding Start   
C19 20-397 Virtual Pain Care for High Risk Veterans on Opioids during COVID19 (and Beyond) Moore, Brent 2020-09-01
IIR 18-253 Long-Term Opioid Therapy: Screen to Evaluate and Treat (Opioid-SET) Timko, Christine 2020-09-01
C19 20-211 A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study of the Impacts of Telemental Healthcare for High-Risk Veterans with Opioid Use Disorder during COVID-19 Myers, Ursula 2020-08-01
IIR 18-231 Risks of Cannabis Use Among Veterans on Long-term Opioid Therapy Keyhani, Salomeh 2019-12-01
PPO 18-213 Adaptation of the Motivational Interviewing Skills Code to Identify Clinician and Client Language Predicting Reduced Opioid Use Risk and Increased Use of Alternative Pain Care Strategies in Veterans Borsari, Brian 2019-03-01

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HSR&D Briefs, Reports, Newsletters

5 sample "Opioid" publications displayed.

  • Improving Opioid Safety || In Progress

    In 2013, VA launched the Opioid Safety Initiative (OSI), the first of several...system-wide initiatives to address opioid overuse. As a result, by mid-2016 the...Publications » Inprogress » Sep18 » Improving Opioid Safety Health Services Research & Development...This Issue: Improving Opioid Safety Overview: National Opioid Crisis Ongoing HSR&D

  • Improving Opioid Safety || In Progress

    In 2013, VA launched the Opioid Safety Initiative (OSI), the first of several...system-wide initiatives to address opioid overuse. As a result, by mid-2016 the...Publications » Inprogress » Sep18 » Improving Opioid Safety Health Services Research & Development...This Issue: Improving Opioid Safety Overview: National Opioid Crisis Ongoing HSR&D

  • Overview: National Opioid Crisis || In Progress

    In 2013, VA launched the Opioid Safety Initiative (OSI), the first of several...system-wide initiatives to address opioid overuse. As a result, by mid-2016 the...Inprogress » Sep18 » Overview: National Opioid Crisis Health Services Research & Development...Issue: Improving Opioid Safety » Table of Contents National Opioid Crisis Overview

  • Increasing Dental Stewardship of Antibiotics and Opioids || In Progress

    In 2013, VA launched the Opioid Safety Initiative (OSI), the first of several...system-wide initiatives to address opioid overuse. As a result, by mid-2016 the...Dental Stewardship of Antibiotics and Opioids Health Services Research & Development...September 2018 In This Issue: Improving Opioid Safety » Table of Contents Increasing

  • Effects of VHA Opioid Policy on Prescribing and Patient Outcomes || In Progress

    In 2013, VA launched the Opioid Safety Initiative (OSI), the first of several...system-wide initiatives to address opioid overuse. As a result, by mid-2016 the...Inprogress » Sep18 » Effects of VHA Opioid Policy on Prescribing and Patient Outcomes...Improving Opioid Safety » Table of Contents Effects of VHA Opioid Policy on

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Topic Spotlight

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The most recent "Opioid" seminars are displayed.

Date Title Presenter(s)
12/8/2020 Opioids, Addiction, and Pain: State of the Art in VA Humphreys, Keith  
Chang, Evelyn  
Becker, William  
Veazie, Stephanie  
Mackey, Kate  
9/24/2020 New HSR&D RFA: Opioid Safety and Opioid Use Disorder Guerra, Stephanie  
9/15/2020 Facilitation of the Stepped Care Model and Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Gordon, Adam  
7/21/2020 Increasing Access to Medication-Assisted Treatment in VISN 22: Using VA Data to Guide Implementation Oberman, Rebecca  
Toy, Shawn  
Resnick, Adam  
Chang, Evelyn  
6/2/2020 Moving into the Post-Opioid Chronic Pain Treatment Era: Opportunities and Challenges Becker, William  

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Other Resources

  • Visit the VA’s Office of Mental Health and learn more about substance use disorders, screening tools, programs, and services.
  • Learn more about the Quality Enhancement Research Initiative’s IMPROVE project, which focuses on integrating pain support in primary care in order to decrease the number of Veterans using opioid therapy for pain management.
  • Visit the VA Office of Research & Development’s Substance Use Disorders (SUD) topic page for information about milestones in SUD research across all VA research services.

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