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Discovering the causes of cancer and the means of prevention

Study Design and Planning Tools

  • ACT24: Physical Activities Completed over Time in 24 Hours

    Activities Completed over Time in 24-hours (ACT24) is a web-based previous-day recall instrument that was designed to estimate daily summary values for physical activity and sedentary behavior, including energy expenditure, time spent sitting and in different types and intensities of physical activity.

  • Automated Self-Administered 24-hour Dietary Assessment Tool (ASA24)

    ASA24 is a freely available web-based tool for epidemiologic, interventional, behavioral, or clinical research from NCI that enables multiple automatically coded self-administered 24-hour recalls and food records. There are U.S., Canadian, and Australian versions.

  • CHARRED: Computerized Heterocyclic Amines Resource for Research in Epidemiology of Disease

    Charred is a software application used to estimate intake of the mutagenic compounds in cooked meats.

  • Job Modules for Occupational Questionnaires

    Descriptions of special questionnaires with modules designed to obtain detailed information for over 40 specific jobs, available from the Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch of DCEG.

  • Pesticide-Exposure Matrix

    The "Pesticide-exposure Matrix" was developed to help epidemiologists and other researchers identify the active ingredients to which people were likely exposed when their homes and gardens were treated for pests in past years.

  • POWER V3.0 Software

    POWER V3.0 Software is used for computing sample size and power for binary outcome studies.

  • Power for Genetic Association Analyses (PGA)

    PGA is a software package containing algorithms and graphical user interfaces developed in Matlab for power and sample size calculation under various genetic models and statistical constraints.

  • Sample size calculations for case-control studies

    This R package can be used to calculate the required samples size for unconditional multivariate analyses of unmatched case-control studies. The sample sizes are for a scalar exposure effect, such as binary, ordinal or continuous exposures. The sample sizes can also be computed for scalar interaction effects. The analyses account for the effects of potential confounder variables that are also included in the multivariate logistic model.

  • SOCcer: Standardized Occupation Coding for Computer-assisted Epidemiologic Research

    Software to code free-text job descriptions into standardized occupation classification codes to assist researchers in incorporating occupational risk factors into their studies.

  • Questionnaire Development Resources

    Downloadable resources made available by DCEG for use in developing study questionnaires. Includes questionnaires reviewed and approved by DCEG’s Technical Evaluation Committee, as well as non-reviewed questionnaire modules to be used as starting points for development.