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Discovering the causes of cancer and the means of prevention

Radiation Epidemiology and Dosimetry Course

The Radiation Epidemiology and Dosimetry Course is conducted periodically by the Radiation Epidemiology Branch of the NCI Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG). The course begins with the fundamentals of the health effects of radiation exposure and progresses to topical sessions which provide an overview of the methods and key findings from studies of medical, occupational, and environmental radiation exposures.

The curriculum was designed for participants with some familiarity with basic epidemiologic concepts, terminology and methods of data analysis; however, most of the material will be understandable for people with college-level training in basic biology, chemistry and physics. 

The course format:

  • Seminar-style lectures (~200 people)
  • Informal lunchtime and evening gatherings to support discussion and networking
  • Registration is free but required due to space limitations
  • Participants can register for the full course or selected days

Download a sample program.

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Presentation Videos from the 2019 Radiation Epidemiology & Dosimetry Course

Click on the presentation titles below to view available course presentations and download slides.

Fundamentals of Radiation Epidemiology, Dosimetry, and Risk Modeling

Introduction to the Principles of Epidemiology
Martha Linet, M.D., M.P.H.
National Cancer Institute

Principles of Radiation Physics and Dosimetry
Matthew Mille, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute

Radiation Risk Modeling
Ethel Gilbert, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute

Overview of Radiation Health Effects and Exposure Assessment

Ionizing Radiation and Cancer Risk
Sara Schonfeld, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute

Radiation and Risk of Non-cancer Diseases
Anssi Auvinen, M.D., Ph.D.
Tampere University, STUK-Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland

Essential Radiobiology for Radiation Epidemiologists
David J. Brenner, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Columbia University Medical Center

Radiation Exposure Assessment
Choonsik Lee, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute

Medical Radiation Exposure - Diagnostic

Diagnostic Radiation Exposure and Cancer Risk
Lene H.S. Veiga, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute

Dosimetry for Epidemiologic Studies of Diagnostic Radiation Exposure
David Borrego, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute

Medical Radiation Exposure - Therapeutic

Cancer Risks from Conventional Radiotherapy
Flora van Leeuwen, Ph.D.
Netherlands Cancer Institute

Cardiac Effects of Radiation Therapy
Carolyn Taylor, D.Phil.
Nuffield Department of Population Health,
University of Oxford, U.K.

Dosimetry for Epidemiologic Studies for Conventional Radiotherapy
Rebecca Howell, Ph.D., FAAPM
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Texas

Cancer and Non-cancer Risks from Emerging Radiotherapy Techniques
Amy Berrington, D.Phil.
National Cancer Institute

Dosimetry for Epidemiologic Studies of Emerging Radiotherapy
Yeon Soo Yeom, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute

Occupational Radiation Exposure

Cancer and Non-cancer Risks Among Medical Workers
Cari M. Kitahara, Ph.D., M.H.S.
National Cancer Institute

Dosimetry for Epidemiologic Studies of Medical Workers
Daphnée Villoing, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute

Cancer and Non-cancer Risks Among Workers
David Richardson, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Dosimetry for Epidemiological Studies of Nuclear Workers
Robert Daniels, Ph.D., C.H.P.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Potential for Cancer and Non-cancer Risks Among Space Workers
Mark Little, D.Phil.
National Cancer Institute

Environmental Radiation Exposure

Health Effects of Nuclear Reactor Accidents: TMI, Chernobyl, Fukushima
Maureen Hatch, Ph.D. (Retired)
National Cancer Institute

Dosimetry for Epidemiologic Studies of Environmental Exposure
Vladimir Drozdovitch, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute

Atomic Bomb Survivor Studies: Overview and Recent Findings
Dale L. Preston, Ph.D.
Hirosoft International, Eureka, California

Cancer Risks from Natural Background Radiation and Radon
Gerry Kendall, Ph.D.
Cancer Epidemiology Unit, NDPH, University of Oxford, U.K.

Susceptibility to Radiation Health Effects

Genetic and Genomics Laboratory Tools and Approaches
Meredith Yeager, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute

Genetics of Radiation-related Cancer
Lindsay Morton, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute

Genetics of Radiation-related Non-cancer Diseases
Catharine West, Ph.D.
University of Manchester, U.K.

Non-ionizing Radiation

Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Dosimetry and Epidemiology
Elizabeth Cahoon, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute

Cell Phones and Cancer Risk
Anssi Auvinen, M.D., Ph.D.
Tampere University, STUK-Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland