Archived Documents

After their currency has passed, older PRC speeches, papers, and other documents may be filed in the Archived Documents section of the Library. These archives are not related to the archives for documents filed in docketed PRC cases. For older archives (1971-2004) please visit the Rate Commission Archives
12/15/2015 Quantification of Financial Transfers Caused by Universal Postal Union Terminal Dues
9/30/2014 The Postal Service Variability Rate and Some Implications
9/30/2014 The Role of Costs for Postal Regulation
9/30/2014 The Economics of Terminal Dues -- Final report
9/30/2014 The Calculation of Postal Inframarginal Costs
8/23/2014 Postal Regulatory Commission/United States Postal Service Informational Sessions
8/22/2014 Swiss Economics Estimate of Financial Impact of Discontinuing Saturday Delivery of Letters and Flats
4/4/2012 Congressional Budget Justification 2012
2/3/2012 Social Values Reports
11/2/2011 PRC Strategic and Operational Plan 2008 - 2012
