About the Project
About the Project

Abdou Youssef

Photograph of Abdou Youssef

Abdou Youssef (b. 1960 in Lebanon) is Professor of Computer Science in, and Former Chairman of, the Department of Computer Science at The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. He is also the inventor and architect of the mathematical search engine for the DLMF website.

Youssef obtained his B.S. degree in mathematics from the Lebanese University, and his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Princeton University.

Youssef has published numerous papers on theory and algorithms for search and retrieval, audio-visual data processing, and data error recovery. He is coeditor (with I. Scherson) of the book Interconnection Networks for High-Performance Parallel Computers, published by IEEE Computer Society Press in 1994.