Training and Education for Responding to Radiation Emergencies

Classroom Radiation Training Courses

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Online Radiation Courses

These courses are hosted on Web sites from the originating agency.
Check what media player requirements are needed for each course.


      Multiagency-sponsored radiation training

      DHS/FEMA courses about Radiation, ICS, and NIMS

       Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

      Minnesota Department of Public Safety--Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

       Other FEMA Guidance



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Educational Competencies for Health Care Professionals



       Medical Toxicologists

       Emergency Physicians

       Emergency Medical Technicians

       Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Specialists

       Physician's Assistants

       Health Professionals / Students / Workers

       Health Physics and Radiation Safety


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Online Textbook About Radiation Biology and Acute and Late Radiation Effects

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Training for Medical Experts and Radiation Safety Subject Matter Experts