Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program

The Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) is an exciting new initiative designed to reduce the number of youth experiencing homelessness.

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FY 2018 YHDP Funding Awards

On August 29, 2019, HUD announced $75 million in funding to 23 communities to help end youth homelessness. The communities that submitted applications took an important step in preventing and ending youth homelessness. HUD congratulates the 23 selected communities, commends all communities who applied, and is committed to supporting them, regardless of whether they were selected.

Resources related to the FY 2018 competition are available on the FY 2018 YHDP Application Resources page.


Resources for Homeless Youth Service Providers

Everything your community needs to develop, implement, evaluate, and continuously improve a coordinated community response to prevent and end youth homelessness. This page includes the Ending Youth Homelessness Guidebook Series and the YHDP Listening Sessions.

YHDP Community Resources

As selected YHDP Communities are creating and implementing their Coordinated Community Plans, there are many lessons learned and resources developed that are helpful to all communities as they work on preventing and ending homelessness among youth.


Ask a YHDP Question

  • For programmatic and policy questions, select “CoC” in the “My question is related to” field under Programs.
  • For application questions, select “e-snaps” in the “My question is related to” field under Reporting Systems.