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Donating Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 Testing Supplies

Dear Colleagues,

I have been impressed by your generosity in response to my earlier call for aid sent out on March 15. The inbox has received responses from more than 70 people offering a variety of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), as well as COVID-19 testing supplies. Many items already have been received, and more are pending pickup.

I’d like to reiterate this call for aid, however, as the need is still great. Please see below for the list of items specifically requested, and fill out a newly created, intranet web form [internal only], if you have items to donate.

This time, for PPE, we are looking for offers only from labs on the main campus, for ease of pickup. For testing reagents and other items, off-campus sources are welcomed and can be sent via mail after review of offer and confirmation of supplies. 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Respirators (disposable N95 filtering facepieces, a.k.a. “dust masks” are preferred)
  • Surgical Masks (a.k.a. facemasks)
  • Face Shields
  • Chemical Splash Resistant Eye Goggles
  • Nitrile Gloves (non-expired, unopened boxes, extended cuff preferred)
  • Disposable Gowns (surgical/isolation type preferred)

Cleaning/Disinfecting Supplies

  • Wipe Cleaner (disinfectant)
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Hand Soap

COVID-19 Testing Reagents

  • Collection Supplies:
    • Flock swabs
    • Polyester swabs
    • Viral transport media
  • Extraction Reagents:
    • QIAGEN w/QIAamp DSP Viral RNA Mini Kit, Cat No./ID 52906 or 52904
    • QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit 250 or 50
    • bioMerieux easyMAG reagents
  • RT-PCR Reagents:
    • QuantiFast Multiplex PCR Kit (400 or 2000), Cat No./ID 204754 or 204756
    • TaqPath 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, Cat No./ID A15300 or A15299

To be clear, to offer PPE or other supplies, please use this new web form ( [NIH only]), not The form is accessible only within the NIH network or logged in via VPN. You will be contacted to coordinate pickup if any of the items you offer are needed.

Thanks for your help!

Michael Gottesman, M.D.
Deputy Director for Intramural Research, NIH

The page was last updated on Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 9:12pm