
Zika Virus: Health Information Guide

This page is no longer being updated.

For the most recent publications on Zika, please see Disaster Lit: The Database for Disaster Medicine and Public Health

U.S. Federal Agencies

U.S. Organizations

International Organizations


National Government (non-U.S.) Web Sites


Updates from U.S. States and Territories


Pregnancy and Zika Virus


Free Resources from Publishers for Medical Responders

Leading global health bodies including academic journals, NGOs, research funders and institutes, have committed to sharing data and results relevant to the current Zika crisis and future public health emergencies as rapidly and openly as possible.


Biomedical Journal Literature and Reports

From PubMed - Biomedical PubMed

MeSH Descriptors were added to PubMed on 1/28/2106: Zika Virus Infection and Zika Virus


From DisasterLit - Resources and Documents


Situation Reports


Genome, Sequences, and Virus Variation


Laboratory Detection and Diagnosis of Zika Virus

  • Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


Clinical Trials


Research, Development and Funding


Surveillance and Control of Mosquito Vectors




Social Media


Multilingual Resources


Resources for the General Public