Norton Asks for National Park Service to Reinstitute Safety Protocols for Employees in Light of Recent COVID-19 Cases

Dec 9, 2020
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) sent a letter today to Margaret Everson, Acting Director of the National Park Service (NPS), expressing concern about the safety of employees who continue to work at NPS properties during the coronavirus crisis, which is at its highest level yet in the National Capital Region.

Norton’s letter asks Acting Director Everson to close the Washington Monument, visitor centers, and any other indoor properties in the National Capital Region until this wave of the virus has subsided. Norton also specifically asks that the NPS move all non-emergency employees to teleworking or to weather and safety leave. Most parkland in the District of Columbia is owned by NPS, meaning many of the employees affected are Norton’s constituents.

“I understand that there have been at least four cases of COVID-19 and one hospitalization among NPS employees who work on the National Mall,” Norton said. “NPS employees need to be able to protect themselves and their families during this time of crisis.”

Norton asks Acting Director Everson to provide a written response by December 15, 2020.

The letter follows:



December 9, 2020


Margaret Everson

Acting Director

National Park Service

1849 C Street NW

Washington, DC 20240


Dear Acting Director Everson:

I remain concerned about the health of National Park Service (NPS) employees who have been staffing NPS properties, including in the District of Columbia, during the coronavirus pandemic.  I understand that there have been at least four cases of COVID-19 and one hospitalization among NPS employees who work on the National Mall.  I also understand that NPS has not closed indoor properties such as the Washington Monument and that visitors are not uniformly following mask and social-distancing guidelines while on federal property, including inside the Washington Monument’s elevator.  These behaviors put NPS employees and the public at significant risk.

As I emphasized in my letter to NPS on March 20, 2020, the safety of every NPS employee is my top priority.  The coronavirus positivity rate in the National Capital Region is at its highest level yet and continues to grow with each day.  Considering that NPS employees have contracted the virus despite the current safety precautions, I encourage you to close the Washington Monument, visitor centers and any other indoor properties in the National Capital Region again until this wave of the virus has subsided.  I also ask that you reinstitute other Phase 1 safety protocols for NPS employees, including moving all non-emergency employees to teleworking or to weather and safety leave, so that NPS employees can protect themselves and their families from the coronavirus as needed.

Please respond to this letter in writing by December 15, 2020.




Eleanor Holmes Norton