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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Expired Funding Opportunities


Fiscal Year 2020 Awards

On October 15, 2020, the Office of Justice Programs transitioned to the Justice Grants System for all grants management activities. We continue to post awards related to 2020 solicitations. Some or all of the awards for the following solicitations have yet to be posted:

This page presents expired funding opportunities from the National Institute of Justice. Use the search filters below to find specific solicitations. Select a solicitation title to see details about the solicitation along with any resulting awards.

NIJ Fiscal Year 2020 Continuations

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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This will be an NIJ Continuations solicitation to include all three program offices. Awards may be grants or cooperative agreements.

NIJ Non-solicited Applications, FY 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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Awards made under this funding opportunity are either made non-competitively or are the result of an administrative funding adjustment.

NIJ National Center on Forensics, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
Closing Date
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals from qualified applicants to establish and operate the NIJ National Center on Forensics to facilitate a partnership amongst a full-service State department of forensic science with a medical examiner function, an accredited university of higher education with affiliate medical and law schools, and a statewide district attorneys association. The purpose of this partnership is to provide medico-legal learning opportunities for medical students to train as deputy medical examiners/coroners in underserved rural areas; provide forensic science and legal training to district attorneys, judges, and law enforcement; and develop opportunities as appropriate amongst the designated partners to benefit current and future practitioners in the field.

Assessing the Effectiveness of the Second Chance Act Grant Program: A Phased Evaluation Approach, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
Closing Date

With this solicitation, NIJ requests proposals for research to evaluate the effectiveness of the Second Chance Act (SCA) grant program in improving reentry and reducing recidivism. To support this effort, NIJ will fund a phased research evaluation strategy that details and measures the implementation, processes, outcomes, costs, and impacts of the grants awarded under the SCA grant program.

Research on Law Enforcement Responses to Sex Trafficking of Minors, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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With this solicitation, NIJ aims to better understand how law enforcement practice with regard to preventing and responding to the sex trafficking of minors has evolved since passage to the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000. NIJ is specifically interested in understanding how widely law enforcement agencies have adopted practices that are based on the perspective that the minor is a victim as opposed to a delinquent, and the challenges that agencies have faced in adopting such practices.

National Youth Gang Survey, Fiscal Year 2020

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In collaboration with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), NIJ seeks proposals for funding to conduct a study of youth gangs. The award recipient will be expected to develop, test, and administer a national data collection from law enforcement agencies to produce accurate and reliable national estimates of, and information about youth gangs, and gang-related criminal activities and law enforcement approaches to dealing with those activities.

Longitudinal Research on Delinquency and Crime, Fiscal Year 2020

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NIJ is seeking applications for funding to conduct an expansion or extension of one or more ongoing/existing longitudinal research studies that focus on delinquency and crime throughout the life-course of the individual. The research findings are intended to inform efforts to prevent the onset of delinquency and to intervene in the lives of juvenile and young adult offenders.

Research on Juvenile Reoffending, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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With this solicitation, NIJ, in collaboration with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, seeks proposals for rigorous research projects that improve measurement of juvenile reoffending. NIJ encourages applicants to submit proposals for studies that advance knowledge and understanding of juvenile reoffending and aid jurisdictions and juvenile justice agencies in measuring and using juvenile reoffending data appropriately in their efforts to identify priorities, develop responses, and monitor and assess policies and programs.

Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
Closing Date
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for basic or applied research and development projects. An NIJ forensic science research and development grant supports a discrete, specified, circumscribed project that will: (1) increase the body of knowledge to guide and inform forensic science policy and practice, or (2) lead to the production of useful material(s), device(s), system(s), or method(s) that have the potential for forensic application.

Research and Evaluation for the Testing and Interpretation of Physical Evidence in Publicly Funded Forensic Laboratories, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for research and evaluation projects that will: (1) Identify and inform the forensic community of best practices through the evaluation of existing laboratory protocols; and (2) Have a direct and immediate impact on laboratory efficiency and assist in making laboratory policy decisions.

Research and Evaluation on Promising Reentry Initiatives, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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With this solicitation, NIJ requests proposals for rigorous research to examine reentry initiatives that incorporate promising practices, strategies, or programs.  NIJ is interested in supporting evaluations of innovative reentry initiatives that focus on offenders with a moderate-to-high risk of reoffending. 

Tribal-Researcher Capacity Building Grants Solicitation, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
Closing Date
NIJ actively supports research that involves federally recognized tribes (or tribally-based organizations) on issues of crime and justice in the United States. In doing so, NIJ is committed to ethical and engaged efforts in line with responsible research conduct and federal trust responsibilities. This solicitation seeks applications for funding for planning grants to develop new and innovative criminal and juvenile justice research or evaluation projects that address the challenges of fighting crime and strengthening justice in Indian country and Alaska Native villages. To ensure proposed projects result in tangible and mutually beneficial studies, they must include a new tribal-researcher partnership component.

Research and Evaluation in Safety, Health, and Wellness in Criminal Justice System, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
Closing Date
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks applications for funding of multidisciplinary research projects addressing any of these five topics: (1) Resiliency and Recovery of Law Enforcement agencies from Singular, Extreme Traumatic Events; (2) Impact of Organizational Stressors on Officer Health and Wellness; (3) Effects of Pre-Career Interventions and Subsequent Reminders in Modulating Mental, Physical, and Social Responses to Stressors in Law Enforcement Officers; (4) Community Hostility, Officer Health, and Effects on Policing; and (5) Understanding the Increased Rate of Assaults on Law Enforcement Officers.

Review and Revalidation of the First Step Act Risk Assessment Tool

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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With this funding opportunity, NIJ seeks review and revalidate on an annual basis the risk assessment tool developed in response to the First Step Act (FSA). The risk assessment tool, the Prisoner Assessment Tool Targeting Estimated Risk and Needs (PATTERN), will be implemented and used by the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to predict the likelihood of general and violent recidivism for all BOP inmates.

Research and Evaluation of Victims of Crime, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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NIJ is seeking applications in two main areas under this solicitation: (1) evaluations of programs that provide services for victims of crime; and (2) research on the financial costs of victimization.

Research and Evaluation on Trafficking in Persons, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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With this solicitation, NIJ continues to build upon its research and evaluation efforts to better understand, prevent, and respond to trafficking in persons in the United States. Applicants should propose research projects that — first and foremost — have clear implications for criminal justice policy and practice in the United States. NIJ is interested in research projects addressing both sex and labor trafficking. NIJ is particularly interested in research responding to the following priority areas: 1) Labor trafficking. 2) Demand reduction research; 3) Research to identify the health and wellness effects of trafficking victimization; and 4) Profiling recruitment tactics.

Research and Evaluation on Drugs and Crime, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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NIJ's Drugs and Crime Research Program supports rigorous applied research on evidence-based tools, protocols, and policies for state, tribal, and local law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies that address drug trafficking, drug markets, and drug-related violence. The focus of this research solicitation is narcotics-related criminal investigation, prosecution, intelligence, and community surveillance relevant to law enforcement and medicolegal death investigation activities. The FY2020 solicitation's drug priorities are methamphetamine and other stimulants, including diverted pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs, and their analogues.

Graduate Research Fellowship, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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The Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) program provides grants to accredited academic institutions to support outstanding doctoral students whose dissertation research is relevant to criminal justice.

Research and Evaluation on Policing, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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With this solicitation, NIJ seeks applications for funding for investigator-initiated, randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies of approaches to the challenges of policing in the United States that address the strategic priorities and objectives identified in NIJ’s Policing Strategic Research Plan, 2017-2022.

Research and Evaluation on School Safety, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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This solicitation seeks applications for funding to conduct research to: 1) examine the root causes of school violence, 2) evaluate the effectiveness of the approaches to stopping school violence found in the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) FY 2018 or FY 2019 STOP School Violence Act solicitations; 3) research on the perspectives of STOP School Violence Act solicitations.

Investigator-Initiated Research and Evaluation of Firearms Violence, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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NIJ is seeking applications for the funding of research and program evaluation projects that inform efforts to prevent and reduce intentional, interpersonal firearm violence and mass shootings in the United States. NIJ will support scientifically rigorous research and evaluation projects designed to strengthen the scientific knowledge base and produce findings with high practical utility to improve public safety.

Research and Evaluation on Violence Against Women, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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NIJ strives to support objective and independent knowledge and validated tools to reduce violence against women (VAW) (including violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women and girls), promote justice for victims of crime, and enhance criminal justice responses. For that reason, this solicitation seeks applications for grant funding to conduct research and evaluation projects examining a broad range of topics including the crimes of homicide, intimate partner and dating violence, rape and sexual assault, stalking, and trafficking, along with the associated criminal justice system response, procedures, and policies.

Research and Evaluation of Technology-Facilitated Abuse for Criminal Justice Purposes, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
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With this solicitation, NIJ’s seeks proposals for research projects addressing the use of technologies such as texting, mobile applications, telecommunications networks, and social networking to bully, harass, stalk or intimidate another person, including adolescents. Examples of technology facilitated abuse include cyberstalking, sextortion, non-consensual pornography, doxing, or swatting.

Research and Evaluation of Domestic Terrorism Prevention, Fiscal Year 2020

Date Posted / Fiscal Year
Closing Date
This solicitation seeks to build knowledge and evidence related to strategies for effective prevention of terrorism in the United States. Applicants should propose research projects that will primarily benefit, and have clear implications for, criminal justice agencies and their attendant communities at the state, local, and tribal levels.