Resources for an election administrator

Federal and EAC Grants Policy Related to Subgrants.   Federal grantees are responsible for ensuring that their subgrantees follow the requirements of their grants and making determinations about allowability of costs.  FAQs answer many questions we have received related to the allowability of costs that states can use to manage their HAVA subgrantees.  However, the list is not exhaustive and it

As election officials plan for upcoming elections in 2020, they are weighing options to ensure elections are safe, secure, accessible and accurate. Planning for the potential increase in voters casting an absentee or mail ballot is one such consideration, but election officials are preparing for in-person voting as well. The U.S.

State and local election officials are concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on upcoming primaries and the November general election.  The EAC has received several requests for guidance on the allowability of using HAVA funds to cover costs they are incurring as a result of the pandemic.

The Election Management Guidelines and Quick Starts Guides were created to assist state and local election officials in effectively managing and administering elections.

Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) are a set of specifications and requirements against which voting systems can be tested to determine if the systems meet required standards. Some factors examined under these tests include basic functionality, accessibility, and security capabilities. HAVA mandates that EAC develop and maintain these requirements. 

The Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) specifies that four commissioners are nominated by the President on recommendations from the majority and minority leadership in the U.S.

June 31, 2020:

Video: EAC Standards Board Annual Meeting

July 8, 2020:

The EAC’s election security video examines the role registration, physical security, poll workers and voting equipment play in ensuring safe, accurate, fair and accessible elections. The video also explains how the decentralized American election administration system protects election integrity and American voters, and it examines the security measures in place for vote by mail ballots, election night reporting and voting technology overall.