Commitments and Quotations

Partner, Collaborator, and Industry Quotations

"The NIST NCCoE is a great working example of the public-private partnership in action.  This partnership provides value in both directions.  One recent example is our use of the draft SP 1800-18 and the PAM practice guides. The guides contributed to our awareness of other institutions practices and were helpful in maturing our approach in this space."  
     — Jay Wiley, Deputy CISO, M&T Bank

"Collaboration with the NCCoE and the extended NCEP partner community has been an excellent opportunity for Motorola Solutions to advance standards-based cybersecurity technologies for the first responder community. It has allowed us to work with some of the brightest minds in both the public and private sectors to solve unique and challenging cybersecurity problems in a way that can be used by our customers. Together we work to share our collective knowledge and experience to elevate the state of cybersecurity across diverse markets and for the betterment of all."
     — Adam Lewis, Chief Security Architect, Motorola Solutions

“The NCCOE plays an important role in collaborating with the private sector on cybersecurity risk mitigation strategies. The Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC) and our 6,800 member financial institutions appreciate the opportunity to work with the NCCOE on mitigating risks from destructive malware attacks and addressing risks associated with point of sale technologies used by merchants.”
      — John Carlson, Chief of Staff of the FS-ISAC

“We value our public/private partnership with the NCCoE greatly and look forward to fulfilling our responsibilities and commitments with great passion at the center.”
      — Kevin Fiftal, Civilian Director, Intel Americas

“Mobile devices are fast becoming the primary way we communicate and remain productive, but their growth has also made them a rich target for attack. Security threats to mobility come in many forms and protecting today’s mobile ecosystems while respecting individual privacy is a balance we must achieve given the personal nature of these devices. We believe public and private sector cooperation can guide the industry toward better mobile security solutions that achieve this balance. The NIST NCCoE has championed strong security and privacy principles, setting aside any pride of ownership to arrive at practical, interoperable cybersecurity solutions that can be implemented today. In working with them on the 1800 series documents and architecture, Lookout has continually been impressed by their collaborative nature, expertise, and dedication to raising the bar for secure mobility standards.”
      —Tim LeMaster, Director, Systems Engineering, Lookout

"The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) is a powerful example of what can be accomplished through government-industry partnership. Splunk is excited to be working with NCCoE to drive improvements in cybersecurity in key sectors of the economy. Public and private sector don’t always share the same mission, but when it comes to cybersecurity, both face the same challenge of protecting their organizations from emerging threats. Modern cybersecurity is an issue of national importance that needs to be addressed collectively.”
      — Haiyan Song, Senior Vice President for Security Markets, Splunk

"Our work with the Situational Awareness Use Case team at NCCoE has been a very important step in its collaborative mission to improve the cybersecurity posture of our nation’s very critical Energy market. James McCarthy and the rest of the team have clearly demonstrated their expertise and knowledge of the challenges and opportunities across the IT and OT domains. TDi Technologies is honored to be a part of the Situational Awareness Use Case team and we look forward to working with the NCCoE on future projects.”
      — Bill Johnson, Founder and CEO, TDi Technologies