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Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) serves on two House committees,  the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, as well as four subcommittees that deal with issues affecting the 11th Congressional District, Northern Virginia, the local and national economy, and world affairs.

House Committee on Oversight and Reform
The Committee on Oversight and Reform is the main investigative committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. It has jurisdiction to investigate any federal program and any matter with federal policy implications.

The Subcommittee on Government Operations (Congressman Connolly serves as Chairman)  

Legislative jurisdiction over the federal civil service; whistleblower protections; the U.S. Postal Service; government management and accounting measures; the economy, efficiency, and management of government operations and activities; government reorganization; intergovernmental affairs, including with state and local governments; federal information technology security, acquisition policy, and management; and federal property.

The Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy
Legislative jurisdiction over income inequality and policies that affect the growth and prosperity of the middle class, including education, housing, labor, trade, small business, agriculture; securities regulation; consumer protection; private sector information technology security, policy, and management; intellectual property;telecommunications; and federal acquisition policy unrelated to national security and information technology.

House Committee on Foreign Affairs:
The Committee is responsible for oversight and legislation relating to: foreign assistance; the Peace Corps; national security developments affecting foreign policy; strategic planning and agreements; war powers, treaties, executive agreements, and the deployment and use of United States Armed Forces; peacekeeping, peace enforcement, and enforcement of United Nations or other international sanctions; arms control and disarmament issues; the United States Agency for International Development; activities and policies of the State, Commerce and Defense Departments and other agencies related to the Arms Export Control Act, the Foreign Assistance Act; international law; promotion of democracy; international law enforcement issues; Broadcasting Board of Governors; embassy security; international broadcasting; and public diplomacy. The Committee also has jurisdiction over legislation with respect to the administration of the Export Administration Act, including the export and licensing of dual-use equipment and technology and other matters related to international economic policy and trade.
The Subcommittee on Asia and Pacific

The Subcommittee on Middle East and North Africa
The subcommittee has jurisdiction over the following within the Middle East and North Africa: (1) Matters affecting the political relations between the United States and other countries and regions, including resolutions or other legislative measures directed to such relations; (2) Legislation with respect to disaster assistance outside the Foreign Assistance Act, boundary issues, and international claims; (3) Legislation with respect to region- or country-specific loans or other financial relations outside the Foreign Assistance Act; (4) Legislation and oversight regarding human rights practices in particular countries; (5) Oversight of regional lending institutions; (6) Oversight of matters related to the regional activities of the United Nations, of its affiliated agencies, and of other multilateral institutions; (7) Identification and development of options for meeting future problems and issues relating to U.S. interests in the region; (8) Oversight of base rights and other facilities access agreements and regional security pacts; (9) Concurrent oversight jurisdiction with respect to matters assigned to the functional subcommittees insofar as they may affect the region; (10) Oversight of foreign assistance activities affecting the region, with the concurrence of the Chairman of the full Committee; and (11) Such other matters as the Chairman of the full Committee may determine.

The Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific
The subcommittee has jurisdiction over the following within Asia and the Pacific: (1) Matters affecting the political relations between the United States and other countries and regions, including resolutions or other legislative measures directed to such relations; (2) Legislation with respect to disaster assistance outside the Foreign Assistance Act, boundary issues, and international claims; (3) Legislation with respect to region- or country-specific loans or other financial relations outside the Foreign Assistance Act; (4) Legislation and oversight regarding human rights practices in particular countries; (5) Oversight of regional lending institutions; (6) Oversight of matters related to the regional activities of the United Nations, of its affiliated agencies, and of other multilateral institutions; (7) Identification and development of options for meeting future problems and issues relating to U.S. interests in the region; (8) Oversight of base rights and other facilities access agreements and regional security pacts; (9) Concurrent oversight jurisdiction with respect to matters assigned to the functional subcommittees insofar as they may affect the region; (10) Oversight of foreign assistance activities affecting the region, with the concurrence of the Chairman of the full Committee; and (11) Such other matters as the Chairman of the full Committee may determine.

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