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An official website of the United States Government.

Budget & Performance Strategic Plans

America faces many challenges today. We have overcome every challenge in our history because men and women of good will, keen minds and strong hearts have always stepped forward to aid their Nation through service, both in civilian Government and in our Armed Forces.

The Civil Service of today carries forward that proud American tradition. Whether it is defending our homeland, restoring confidence in our financial system and administering an historic economic recovery effort, ensuring adequate health care for our veterans and fellow citizens or searching for cures to the most vexing diseases—we are fortunate to have our best and our brightest to rely upon. Our people are our most important tool in facing any challenge, and we forget that at our peril. They are not merely a part of the equation, like capital or technology. They ARE the equation.

OPM’s Strategic Plan FY 2014 – 2018

The Office of Personnel Management exists to support the men and women who serve the American people as Federal workers. Over the next four years, this strategic plan will guide the agency’s efforts to recruit, retain, and honor a world-class workforce and continue to be a model employer for the 21st Century.

Information Technology

Our Strategic Information Technology (IT) Plan is organized around the concept of an "HR lifecycle IT framework," from an agency’s strategic workforce planning, through the hiring process, throughout the employee’s career in Federal service and into retirement (“from strategy to separation”).

The focus of the plan is a set of strategic, enabling initiatives that will allow us to administer 21st Century IT with great efficiency and effectiveness and will create the foundation for enterprise and business initiatives. The enterprise initiatives will allow us to better realize economies of scale and strengthen accountability, and the business initiatives will meet our many mission needs.


Our goal is to eliminate the current backlog in processing retirement claims.  No later than July 2013, we hope to proclaim that 90 percent of retirees receive their full annuity payments within 60 days of retirement.

To be clear and transparent in this process, we've developed a strategic plan to achieve this goal.  We have made retirement operations a priority for the Agency, and are devoting the necessary leadership and talent from our agency to the task. We look forward to working with Congress and other stakeholders as we eliminate the backlog, improve our customer service, and honor our retirees.

You can follow our progress by reviewing the statistics we issue on the status (and progress) of the backlog by downloading the monthly report.

Small Business

To assure the best use of tax-payer dollars we've established a Strategic Plan to guide our efforts to assure small businesses become suppliers of choice.


As the largest employer in the United States (U.S.), the Federal government has a unique opportunity to influence our country's ecological and financial future. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is excited to play a part in the worldwide sustainability movement. OPM is tasked with recruiting, retaining, and honoring a world-class workforce for the American people. There is no better way to honor government employees and all Americans than to help ensure their communities are healthy. With this goal in mind, OPM will begin implementing our first Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan.

Several current initiatives will aid OPM's sustainability agenda. We are in the process of updating the Theodore Roosevelt Building's heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system and installing solar panels on the roof. OPM is also working with the Department of the Interior and the General Services Administration to begin local food programs such as a farmer's market and community gardens around the Washington, D.C. buildings. We are promoting flexible work arrangements that will lead to reduced building energy use and vehicle emissions. Furthermore, we are continuing to investigate sustainability opportunities and improvements at all of our facilities.

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