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EM Press Releases

DOE Issues Final RFP for the Oak Ridge Reservation Cleanup Contract
December 18, 2020
The new ORRCC contract is anticipated to be an Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contract with a 10-year ordering period.
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DOE Awards Paducah Infrastructure Support Services Contract
December 10, 2020
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) awarded Swift & Staley, Inc.
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DOE Awards Basic Ordering Agreements for Nationwide Low-Level Mixed Low-Level Waste Treatment Services
December 3, 2020
Today, the Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (EM) awarded five Basic Ordering Agreements.
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Trump Administration Works with State of California to Advance Next Steps For Cleanup At ETEC
November 4, 2020
Today, DOE announced several significant steps to continue progress in the cleanup of Area IV of the SSFL in Ventura County, California
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DOE Releases Final Request for Proposals for Carlsbad Field Office Technical Assistance Contract (CTAC) Acquisition
October 29, 2020
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued a Final Request for Proposals for the CTAC procurement.
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DOE Awards Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contract for Information Systems Technical Support Services
October 27, 2020
Office of Environmental Management is awarding an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contract for Information Systems Technical Support Services.
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DOE Issues Draft Request For Proposal Sections for the Moab Remedial Action Contract
October 19, 2020
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management is issuing Draft Request for Proposal Sections for the Moab Remedial Action.
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DOE Releases Final Request for Proposal for Portsmouth Infrastructure Support Services
October 13, 2020
Today the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued a Final Request for Proposal for the Portsmouth Infrastructure Support Services procurement.
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DOE Issues Final RFP for the Savannah River Site Integrated Mission Completion Contract
October 1, 2020
Today, DOE EM issued a Final Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Savannah River Site (SRS) Integrated Mission Completion Contract (IMCC) procurement.
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DOE Awards Hanford 222-S Laboratory Contract
September 29, 2020
DOE awarded the Hanford 222-S Laboratory Contract that will provide analytical laboratory services at the Hanford Site.
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EM News Flashes

Crews Demolish 10th And Final Building at ETEC Radioactive Materials Handling Facility
November 5, 2020
Workers accomplished one of EM’s 2020 priorities after safely tearing down the last of 10 buildings at the Radioactive Materials Handling Facility.
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Milestone Reached as First Shipment of Uranium Oxide Reaches Final Disposition
November 3, 2020
The first shipment of depleted uranium oxide (DUO) product recently left the Paducah Site in Kentucky and safely reached its final destination.
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Congressional, State Officials Join Energy Secretary Brouillette in Recognizing Historic Oak Ridge Cleanup Accomplishment
October 14, 2020
Dan Brouillette joined state & community leaders in Oak Ridge to celebrate the historic first-ever removal of a former uranium enrichment complex.
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SRS Salt Waste Processing Facility Begins Hot Commissioning
October 6, 2020
The Department of Energy transferred the first batch of radioactive waste to the Salt Waste Processing Facility.
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Waste Shipment Represents First Application of DOE's HLW Interpretation
September 24, 2020
DOE has completed the first application of its science-based approach to managing reprocessing waste with the safe and successful shipment.
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DOE Approves Start of Salt Waste Processing Facility at Savannah River Site
August 18, 2020
Yesterday, DOE approved CD-4 and Authorization To Operate for the SWPF at SRS, authorizing “hot” or radioactive operations to begin at the facility.
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Department of Energy Resumes Active Cleanup at the Energy Technology Engineering Center
July 22, 2020
DOE has resumed active environmental cleanup at the ETEC, a former nuclear and liquid metals research site in Ventura County, California.
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Expert Acquisition Corps to Advance EM’s Procurement Capacities
July 16, 2020
EM is further strengthening its procurement capabilities in launching an Acquisition Corps to serve on Acquisition Integrated Project Teams.
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DOE Issues Decision on Disposal of Depleted Uranium Oxide From Kentucky, Ohio Plants
June 5, 2020
The U.S. Department of Energy today issued a formal Record of Decision (ROD) for the safe shipment and disposal of depleted uranium oxide.
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DOE Marks Major Progress in Groundwater Cleanup Mission at Nevada Site
April 29, 2020
The DOE environmental cleanup program has reached a significant milestone in its legacy cleanup mission at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS).
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EM Newsletters

Hanford Completes Construction of Last of 94 Systems in Low-Activity Waste Facility
December 15, 2020
EM Office of River Protection and contractor Bechtel National, Inc. have completed construction of the last of 94 systems in the Low-Activity facility
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EM Makes Historic Progress on Cleanup Mission in 2020
December 15, 2020
EM Makes Historic Progress on Cleanup Mission in 2020
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Local Tribes Use History, Experience to Help Solve Revegetation Challenges in Nevada
December 15, 2020
Nevada National Security Site is helping solve a unique challenge at the NNSS, using traditional ecological knowledge and years of history.
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Stakeholders Discuss Technical Subjects as Los Alamos Workgroup Marks First Year
December 15, 2020
EM’s Los Alamos Field Office and its cleanup contractor N3B hosted a virtual meeting last week with stakeholders to discuss progress.
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EM Launches Redesigned Virtual Museum on History of Portsmouth Site
December 15, 2020
EM recently launched a remodeled version of its popular virtual museum website covering the history of the Portsmouth Site.
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Hanford Medical Contractor Pivots to Provide Flu Shots During Pandemic
December 15, 2020
Each year, the Hanford Site occupational medical services contractor provides influenza, or flu, immunizations for contractor and EM employees.
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West Valley Conducts Virtual Exercise to Prepare for Emergency Incidents
December 15, 2020
EM and its cleanup contractor at the West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) conducted a training exercise with local emergency response agencies.
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Salt Waste Processing Facility Team Receives DOE Secretary Awards
December 8, 2020
Deputy Secretary Mark W. Menezes presented the awards as part of a visit to SRS and the Savannah River National Laboratory on Dec. 4.
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Hanford Tests First Connection Between WTP and Tank Farms
December 8, 2020
Office of River Protection contractors Bechtel National Inc. and Washington River Protection Solutions recently joined forces to test transfer lines.
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Crews Begin Tearing Down Last of DOE Buildings at ETEC
December 8, 2020
EM workers have demolished two of the final eight DOE-owned buildings remaining at the former Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC) site.
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