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Chief Of Nuclear Safety
The CNS is responsible for ensuring DOE Nuclear Safety Regulations, Standards, Guides, and national/international technical standards are applied.
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EM National Laboratory Network
The Savannah River National Laboratory Policy office (as known as the EM Laboratory Policy Office (LPO)) sponsors and coordinates the involvement of national laboratories in support of the EM mission activities.
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Excess Materials and Radioactive Waste Management
As EM fulfills its mission, waste and materials disposition plays a vital role in the cleanup of radioactive waste.
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Facility D & D
Deactivation and Decommissioning (D&D) is the process of taking an active/excess/abandoned facility to a final disposition end state.
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HLW Interpretation
EM’s high-level radioactive waste interpretation opens avenues for responsible and safe treatment and removal of reprocessing waste at DOE sites.
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Nuclear Materials
In fulfilling its mission, EM frequently manages and completes disposition of surplus nuclear materials and spent nuclear fuel.
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Packaging & Transport
Radiological shipments are accomplished safely. Annually, about 400 million hazardous materials shipments occur in the US by rail, air, sea, and land.
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Regulatory Compliance
The Department of Energy is not a regulatory agency; however it does self-regulate its own radioactive waste.
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Soil & Groundwater Remediation
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) manages one of the largest groundwater and soil remediation efforts in the world.
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Tank Waste Processing and Tank Closure
The Department has approximately 88 million gallons of liquid waste stored in underground tanks and approximately 4,000 cubic meters of solid waste.
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