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An official website of the United States Government.
Image of three diverse employees in business outfit, surrounded by a circular arrow with the writings of: Strategize, Acquire, Engage, Transform - Organizational Change, Human Interaction

We make people and organizations better

HR Solutions provides the full range of human capital management and training services agencies need to grow, improve, lead, and thrive.

Photo of a lady standing in front of a dry erase board lecturing to a small course of professionals. Strategy, Metrics, Chalenges are written on the dry erase board.

Leadership for today and tomorrow

OPM’s HRS Leadership Assessments help you hire the best candidates, develop their skills, and support your leaders.
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Igniting Innovation 2020 Conference and Awards logo.

USA Staffing® Onboarding wins 2020 Igniting Innovation Award

Our fully online, automated solution proved instrumental in helping federal agencies adapt to COVID-19. Learn More

Presidential Management Fellows Program. U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Seal of the President of the United States.

Our new class of Presidential Management Fellows is ready to be hired now

Don’t wait unit tomorrow, hire your future leaders today.
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A man in business suit holding a mobile phone and appears in thought with a smile.

Leverage OPM’s HR IT to meet your human capital needs

Transform your agency with USAJOBS®, USA Staffing®, USA HireSM, USA Performance®, and USA Learning®.
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Seal of OPM and GSA

Human Capital and Training Solutions (HCATS)

OPM has partnered with the General Services Administration (GSA) to provide federal agencies with a reliable, flexible, fast, and efficient way to obtain best value solutions for complex human capital and training services through HCaTS.

Cartoon of a business man in cape

USA Performance

Let OPM’s HR Solutions help you implement your agency’s OMB-required plan to maximize employee performance. Watch our short video to see how USA Performance can help.

Federal HR Institute logo

Federal HR Institute

The Federal HR Institute (FHRI) is a comprehensive curriculum across all functional HR domains, developed in alignment with the new federal HR career maps and competency specifications.

Workforce Reshaping

Human Resources Solutions

As OPM's human capital consultants, HRS can help you plan and execute workforce restructuring activities, create and implement change management strategies, and customize learning development programs for agency leaders and all other occupations.

Control Panel