About CIT

Man and woman looking at computer screen

Enabling Biomedical Research With High-Quality Information Technology

Each day, 40,000 members of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) community, working in more than 400 buildings and facilities, rely on CIT to perform world-class research. As one of NIH’s 27 institutes and centers, we collaborate with the NIH intramural community in the areas of computational bioscience, engineering, informatics, and statistics to help make biomedical discoveries that protect and improve our nation’s health.

NIH has benefited from a number of CIT-managed programs and critically needed IT infrastructure upgrades, including:

  • A world-renowned supercomputer that allows researchers to conduct large-scale data analyses
  • A state-of-the-art network that enables research across NIH and around the world
  • Cloud-based services that give researchers a cost-effective way to access datasets and advanced computational tools and services
  • The latest collaboration tools to promote flexibility and productivity

Offices & Service Areas

CIT is structured to facilitate the efficient delivery of IT services and support to NIH.

View the CIT organization chart >

The Office of the Director manages and evaluates CIT's programs, policies, and procedures and provides analysis and guidance for developing IT services, systems, and security.

The Office of IT Services Management directs service areas that provide NIH with a variety of IT services such as user support, identity and access management, high-performance computing, and network cabling. OITSM is led by Xavier Soosai, Director of OITSM.

The Office of Administrative Management supports CIT finance, human resources, contracts, acquisition, procurement, communication, and administration. OAM is led by Jill Gaffey, Director of OAM and Executive Officer, and Kevin Davis, Deputy Executive Officer.

Administrative Management Group

AMG provides administrative support on business matters at CIT.

Acquisition Planning and Management Group

APMG oversees CIT's acquisition activities and advises staff on strategic sourcing initiatives.

Financial Management Group

FMG supports CIT’s budgetary and financial functions and responsibilities.

Management Analysis and Policy Group

MAPG provides in-depth analysis to help drive business and policy decisions at CIT.

Office of Communications and Outreach

OCO helps CIT educate and inform NIH staff and stakeholders about CIT's IT services.

The Office of Intramural Research provides scientific and technical expertise to NIH’s Intramural Research Program by developing and delivery custom applications and tools that solve complex biomedical and clinical research problems. OIR is led by Andy Baxevanis, Acting Scientific Director, and consists of five offices.

CIT News

CIT Director and NIH Chief Information Officer Andrea Norris participates on a panel about Health IT innovations, modernization, and transformation.

As part of the USA Science and Engineering Festival, we developed materials to help keep kids safe online.

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