Health Communications Science Digest - December 2019

December 2019 -- Vol. 10, Issue 12e

To enhance awareness of emerging health communication and marketing scientific knowledge, the Science Team in the Office of the Associate Director for Communication at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention frequently undertakes an extensive scan of the expert literature. Recent publications with particular relevance for the public health communication community are detailed here. Abstracts and PDF copies of most articles are available through the DOI hyperlink included with each citation. In some cases, however, the DOI hyperlink will not work or the publisher charges for the article. The help of your local library staff may be required in such circumstances to secure access to some publications.

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Articles of Interest
  • Armstrong, K., Richards, A. S., & Boyd, K. J. (2019). Red-Hot Reactance: Color Cues Moderate the Freedom Threatening Characteristics of Health PSAs. Health Commun, 1-8. doi:1080/10410236.2019.1700885external icon
  • Boehm, R., Read, M., Henderson, K. E., & Schwartz, M. B. (2019). Removing competitive foods v. nudging and marketing school meals: a pilot study in high-school cafeterias. Public Health Nutr, 1-8. doi:1017/s136898001900329xpdf iconexternal icon
  • Brannon, G. E., & Rauscher, E. A. (2019). Managing Face while Managing Privacy: Factors that Predict Young Adults’ Communication about Sexually Transmitted Infections with Romantic Partners. Health Commun, 34(14), 1833-1844. doi:1080/10410236.2018.1536951external icon
  • Burgess, E. R., Walter, N., Ball-Rokeach, S. J., & Murphy, S. T. (2019). Communication Hotspots: How Infrastructure Shapes People’s Health. Health Commun, 1-11. doi:1080/10410236.2019.1692490external icon
  • Chon, M. G., & Park, H. (2019). Predicting Public Support for Government Actions in a Public Health Crisis: Testing Fear, Organization-Public Relationship, and Behavioral Intention in the Framework of the Situational Theory of Problem Solving. Health Commun, 1-11. doi:1080/10410236.2019.1700439external icon
  • Clark, D., Nagler, R. H., & Niederdeppe, J. (2019). Confusion and nutritional backlash from news media exposure to contradictory information about carbohydrates and dietary fats. Public Health Nutr, 22(18), 3336-3348. doi:1017/s1368980019002866pdf iconexternal icon
  • Cohn, N. (2019). Visual narrative comprehension: Universal or not? Psychon Bull Rev. doi:3758/s13423-019-01670-1pdf iconexternal icon
  • de Los Reyes, G., Jr. (2019). Institutional Entrepreneurship for Digital Public Health Promotion: Challenges and Opportunities. Health Educ Behav, 46(2_suppl), 30-36. doi:1177/1090198119871245external icon
  • Evans, W. D., Thomas, C. N., Favatas, D., Smyser, J., & Briggs, J. (2019). Digital Segmentation of Priority Populations in Public Health. Health Educ Behav, 46(2_suppl), 81-89. doi:1177/1090198119871246external icon
  • Harvey, A. M., Thompson, S., Lac, A., & Coolidge, F. L. (2019). Fear and Derision: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Provaccine and Antivaccine Internet Memes. Health Educ Behav, 46(6), 1012-1023. doi:1177/1090198119866886external icon
  • Housten, A. J., Kamath, G. R., Bevers, T. B., Cantor, S. B., Dixon, N., Hite, A., . . . Volk, R. J. (2019). Does Animation Improve Comprehension of Risk Information in Patients with Low Health Literacy? A Randomized Trial. Med Decis Making, 272989×19890296. doi:1177/0272989×19890296external icon
  • Jerit, J., Zhao, Y., Tan, M., & Wheeler, M. (2019). Differences between National and Local Media in News Coverage of the Zika Virus. Health Commun, 34(14), 1816-1823. doi:1080/10410236.2018.1536949external icon
  • Kenney, J., Crumly, J., & Qualls, N. (2019). Nonpharmaceutical Interventions for Pandemic Influenza: Communication, Training, and Guidance Needs of Public Health Officials. Disaster Med Public Health Prep, 1-6. doi:1017/dmp.2019.113pdf iconexternal icon
  • Lama, Y., Hancock, G. R., Freimuth, V. S., Jamison, A. M., & Quinn, S. C. (2019). Using classification and regression tree analysis to explore parental influenza vaccine decisions. Vaccine. doi:1016/j.vaccine.2019.11.039pdf iconexternal icon
  • Lee, S. J., Liu, J., Gibson, L. A., & Hornik, R. C. (2019). Rating the Valence of Media Content about Electronic Cigarettes Using Crowdsourcing: Testing Rater Instructions and Estimating the Optimal Number of Raters. Health Commun, 1-11. doi:1080/10410236.2019.1700882external icon
  • Occa, A., Kim, S., Carcioppolo, N., Morgan, S. E., & Anderson, D. (2019). A Comparison of Metaphor Modality and Appeals in the Context of Skin Cancer Prevention. J Health Commun, 1-11. doi:1080/10810730.2019.1694607external icon
  • Parrott, S., & Eckhart, N. (2019). Stigma in the News: The Representation and Trivialization of Stigma in U.S. News Publications. Health Commun, 1-8. doi:1080/10410236.2019.1693132external icon
  • Shanahan, E. A., Reinhold, A. M., Raile, E. D., Poole, G. C., Ready, R. C., Izurieta, C., . . . King, H. (2019). Characters matter: How narratives shape affective responses to risk communication. PLoS One, 14(12), e0225968. doi:1371/journal.pone.0225968external icon
  • Skurka, C. (2019). You Mad? Using Anger Appeals to Promote Activism Intentions and Policy Support in the Context of Sugary Drink Marketing to Kids. Health Commun, 34(14), 1775-1787. doi:1080/10410236.2018.1536943external icon
  • Sontag, J. M., Wackowski, O. A., & Hammond, D. (2019). Baseline assessment of noticing e-cigarette health warnings among youth and young adults in the United States, Canada and England, and associations with harm perceptions, nicotine awareness and warning recall. Prev Med Rep, 16, 100966. doi:1016/j.pmedr.2019.100966pdf iconexternal icon

DISCLAIMER: Articles listed in the Health Communication Science Digest (HCSD) are selected by Office of the Associate Director for Communication (OADC) staff to provide current awareness of the public health communication literature. An article’s inclusion does not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nor does it imply endorsement of the article’s methods or findings. OADC, CDC, and DHHS assume no responsibility for the factual accuracy of the items presented. The selection, omission, or content of items does not imply any endorsement or other position taken by OADC, CDC, or DHHS. Opinions, findings and conclusions expressed by the original authors of items included in the HCSD, or persons quoted therein, are strictly their own and are in no way meant to represent the opinion or views of OADC, CDC, or DHHS. References to publications, news sources, and non-CDC Websites are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by OADC, CDC, or DHHS.

Page last reviewed: December 30, 2019