About the Update

The Comprehensive Plan’s Transportation Element is built upon the principles of reducing single-occupant vehicle use, increasing transit use, and promoting sustainability in transportation and development. As such, federal policies support the advancement of an interconnected transportation system; integration of a range of equitable mobility options; connections between transportation and land use; and promotion of efficient and sustainable travel to federal destinations. NCPC uses these policies to guide agency actions, including review of projects and plans that affect federal buildings, installations, parks, and campuses. The Comprehensive Plan’s elements are updated on a rolling basis, with the most recent Federal Transportation Element adopted July 2020.

On September 5, 2019, the Commission released the draft update of the Federal Transportation Element for a 60-day public comment period that closed on November 12, 2019. An information presentation on Transportation Management Plan monitoring was made at the March 5, 2020 Commission meeting.

On July 9, 2020, the updated Element, Addendum and Submission Guidelines were adopted, and will be effective 60 days following posting in the Federal Register.

Read the Element

Public Comments

Parking Ratio Maps

What's New?

The Transportation Element provides policy guidance to support a regional multimodal transportation system that promotes responsible land use and development and contributes to a high quality of life for residents, workers, and visitors, while improving regional mobility, transportation access, and environmental quality. The updated Element includes a supporting Addendum which details Transportation Demand Management and Transportation Management Plans.

Major changes to the Element and Addendum include raising the L’Enfant City parking ratio from 1:5 to 1:6, and the introduction of charging for parking as a Transportation Demand Management strategy. All policies can be found in the Policy Summary. Maps of the updated parking ratios for Historic Core and the National Capital Region can be found at the links above.

The update includes revisions to the Submission Guidelines that reflect changes made to the policies in the element. The Submission Guidelines include a description of the process by which applicants may request a deviation from parking policies for individual projects, information on updating Transportation Management Plans to address the changed parking ratios, as well as an outline of the new monitoring process for agencies. The program was introduced in the element, with details in its addendum. The effort is intended to acquire up-to-date metrics from federal installations/facilities as transportation demand management strategies are implemented and will occur on a biennial basis.

The following guiding principles serve as the element’s organizational framework:

  • 1

    Advance an interconnected transportation system that meets regional planning goals and objectives

    How can the federal government coordinate with regional and local agencies and other stakeholders on a range of transportation planning activities to meet mutual goals?
  • 2

    Integrate a range of equitable mobility options to improve transportation access throughout the region

    How can the federal government reduce reliance on automobiles and support equitable access to multimodal transportation solutions?
  • 3

    Connect transportation and land use to encourage responsible development patterns

    How can the federal government encourage compact, transit-oriented development throughout the region that encourages multimodal travel to and within federal properties?
  • 4

    Promote efficient and sustainable travel to federal destinations

    How can the federal government reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicles for travel to federal destinations and manage transportation demand?


  • Commission Meeting

    The Commission released the draft Transportation Element and Addendum for public comment. The Commission also released an update to the Submission Guidelines to accompany the element.

  • Public Comment Period Opens

    The comment period begins with the official notice published in the Federal Register.

  • Open House

    NCPC hosts an open house for the public to learn more about the updates to the Federal Transportation Element.

    View Event

  • Public Comment Period Closed

    NCPC accepted public comments on the Transportation Element through November 12, 2019.

    Comments Received

  • Commission Meeting

    The Commission heard an information presentation on a Transportation Management Plan monitoring program, which was introduced in the draft element.

    View Presentation

  • Commission Meeting

    The Commission adopted the Transportation Element and Addendum. The Commission also adopted the Submission Guidelines to accompany the element. These documents will be in effect 60 days following the notice in the Federal Register.

    View Presentation