Mission and Values

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Our Mission:

Creating Materials and Energy Solutions

Ames Laboratory creates materials, inspires minds to solve problems, and addresses global challenges. We conduct fundamental and applied research that helps the world to better understand the nature of the building blocks that make up our universe. We translate that knowledge into new and unique materials, processes, and technologies that advance the nation’s economic competitiveness and enhance national security.

Our Core Values:

We are recognized for world-class research, nurturing excellence in science, education and people.

Our people are the core of our success.

We demonstrate that safety and world-class research go hand in hand.

We inspire future generations by exciting them about science.

We adapt with agility to new opportunities and the changing needs of society.

We link fundamental science of matter with application to create technological innovation.

We are singularly focused on applying a multidisciplinary approach to the discovery, design and invention of new materials. We foster collaboration globally.